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"Mommy!! we want some ice-cream" Kambili says as they both run to meet me.
We went to the Amusement Park to have fun today, they've both been asking me to take them out for sometime now but I've not really had the time to do that so I decided to take them today being Saturday.
"Okay honey, but I want you both to wait here for me okay? Don't step an inch until I come back do you understand?"I asked
"Yes mommy" they both replied nodding their heads.
So I left for the ice-cream stand.
I haven't even gone too far when I heard "Mom!!" Mommmyyyyyy!!!"
I immediately turned around, I saw two men carrying my daughters forcefully into a black van and zooming off. I immediately ran after them shouting and screaming for help. What is happening? Who are those men? How where they able to by-pass the security men? Why me?!!
I ran, but couldn't catch up with them, I crumbled on the floor, not knowing what to do anymore. I cried like I have never done before, I felt the same feeling I felt five years ago, HOPELESS.
I heard people talking to me but I never knew what they were saying.
Before I knew it, I had fainted.

I woke up with my head pounding, what happened, why am I in a hospital? I thought.
"My God Dera you're awake, thank goodness, I will just go and get the doctor" I heard mum say.
A while later she came back with the doctor, I became frantic as I remembered what brought me to the hospital, again I began to panic.
"My babes, my babies, I need to find my children" I screamed.
"It's alright my child the case has been reported to the police, they're are already looking for them, they will be fine I promise, they will come back to us" Mum said trying to calm me down.
"Mom please I need to leave this place, my babies are out there, please I need to go". I replied.
"Well Mrs Donald, you will have to remain here till tomorrow, your body needs rest and we still need to check your body later" The Doctor said to me calmly.
"No you people don't understand I need to leeeeeaaaaavvvvveeeee!!! My babies need me" I cried still struggling. Before I knew it, I felt a sharp pain on my arm, I immediately felt weak and sleepy, that was the last I remembered.
It's the next day, I was already out of the hospital, I immediately went to the police station with mom. She tried to make me rest before we go but I refused. We went straight to Mr Patrick's office, he's the D.P.O and he's been helping us with the case together with Mr Kayode.
"Good day Ma" Mr Patrick greets Mom. "Oh Mrs Donald, how are you? He said after noticing my presence.
"I am doing great D.P.O, thank you" I replied.
"Okay, so my daughter and I are here to know what information you have been able to gather concerning my grandchildren" mum says.
"Well Mrs Donald, we haven't...." He was saying when my phone rang out.
"Hello, who's on the line?"I asked.
"Chidera, Chidera, Chidera it's been a while" the voice said.
"Who are you?" I asked not being in the mood for games.
"Wow you've forgotten about me so soon. Well I don't blame you since you gave me out to rot in jail" the voice replied.
"What are you....Dad?" I asked shocked.
"Hello daughter" he said in a wicked chilling voice.
"Well I would have loved a wonderful welcome but off course you do have issues at hand, right? He replied
"How did did you get my number and how are you out of jail?" I asked still shocked.
"Oh you break my heart again daughter, here I was thinking I would get a warm welcome hahaha" he said laughing.
"What do you want?" I asked
"You see I want alot of things but my greatest wish is for you to suffer my darling" he sneered.
"You can go to hell" I replied
"Oh honey I thought I trained you well, that's not how to talk to your father you haven't seen for long, you know? But off course, you betrayed him" he said with a lot of spite.
"I did not betray you, you killed mother, remember? I only did what was right by putting a monster like you exactly where you belong" I replied.
"Well I am out now honey" he said.
"Enough of the chit chat, why don't you say hi to your daughters?" He asked.
"What, what did you just say?" Before I knew it, I started hearing their voices.
"Mommmyyyyyy, mommmyyyyyy!!!! mommmyyyyyy!! Please come and get us out of here pleeeeaaaaseee, we want to go home" they shouted.
"Oh my God!!! My babies!!!" I said crying" what the hell did you do to my children, if you touch them, I swear to God, I will..."
"You will what?" What exactly can you do? Don't worry about them, they would be saying hi to Michael in hell, that I promised" he said laughing
"Don't you dare hurt my children"
"Okay, fine, what do you want, I will give you anything you want, but please don't touch my children, please I beg you" I said crying and pleading with him.
"Oh before I forget Dera, I murdered Michael, it was really quick I promise" he replied before cutting the call.
"Nooooooooo!!!" I shouted.
Everyone was silent, they heard everything as my phone was on speaker.
"It's alright Dera, we will find them" mum said hugging me.
"I promise you Ma'am we will find your children and bring them back to you safely" Mr Patrick the D.P.O said.
"He will not go unpunished, he killed my son, now he's after my grand children? He will pay" she said.
"D.P.O? I need you to do whatever it is you can to find my grandchildren" she said.

I have been here in Abuja for the past 5 years, I don't even remember who I was. I was told that I was found on the road already passed out by Johnson the good Samaritan who saved me. I have been staying with him and helping him out in his cloth business.
At first, I couldn't remember my name, but after some years I was able to do so. I do have flashes sometimes, I hear a young woman talking to me but I don't know or remember who she is, her face do come in a blur. The doctor said it's a result of my mind trying to regain it's memories.
With my help in Johnson's store, his sales have seriously increased, he believes I am God sent. He has done alot to help me regain my memories, he has been really helpful to me. We have become really close to one another like brothers.
Johnson has a little sister who has been into me for a long time now.
"Michael, don't you think it's time to move on?" He asked me.
"Ahhh Johnson I don't think I'm ready to do that, I mean I know I don't remember anything except my name but I have this feeling that there is someone whom I love waiting for me to come back to her" I replied.
"Hahahaha, a woman waiting for you to come back? Come on Michael, it's been five years, five good years you disappeared, who would want to wait that long?" He asked "The only people I am sure are waiting for you right now are your family members" he added.
"I really want to believe you're right but I can't" I replied.
"Bro, you're intelligent, smart and very good looking. Every woman will want to be with you or will you say you haven't noticed my sister's in love with you? He asked
"Ahmmm bro, I have but I don't want to hurt anyone especially your sister, but I promise to think about it. Are you okay now?" I replied jokingly.
"That's alright man but please do not be forced to do what you don't want to do okay?" He replied patting me on my back
"Thanks man" I replied


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