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Before he was taken to jail he ensured to let me know that he was going to destroy me if he manages to get out of jail".
"Aunty Joy took me in and took care of me, she took care of my education from primary to secondary, I was in my 1st year in the University when she died, she was diagnosed with cancer of the breast, she spent all the money she had on treatment and at the end she lost her life to the disease, she didn't even have a family. I had to hustle in order to take care of myself and pay my fees. It was then I met Kamen. We met in 100 level, at first he was a really nice guy. He was there for me, encouraging me after the death of my Aunty. We became really close. He asked me out and we started dating, I loved him so I thought, he was really cute you know?" She said. Noticing my jealous reaction to her statement, she laughed at my childish behavior and told me I was more handsome.
"So, we started dating at first, he was so gentle and nice to me I felt like the happiest woman on earth not until..." she said stopping.
"It's alright I am always here for you" I said encouraging her.
"Not until I caught him in bed with my cousin who was also my best friend then. I couldn't believe it myself, I broke up with him and I cut off any form of relationship I had with my cousin".
"I was really scared, my dad and Kamen made me loose hope in love, I made up my mind never to fall in love again. So that's my story" She said.
I felt a lot of emotions swelling in me, I was sad that Dera had to go through that kind of trauma, watching her mum die at the hands of her father and having to testify against him, I wondered what kind of trauma she must have undergone as a child, for God's sake she was just 10yrs old. No one deserves that, especially a little child. I was also angry at Kamen or whatever his name was. How could a man be so wicked to cheat on his woman not just with any woman but her relative? That is nothing but wickedness. I wish I could hurt this Kamen for hurting my Dera, she doesn't deserve such treatment from any man. Dera is really strong woman, with all that she still made something for herself, she didn't let the situations she went through in life bring her down. At that moment I was filled with nothing but awe and admiration for her. I made the decision to always love and never hurt her.
"Hey Michael, it's alright I'm fine now, I no longer feel anything for him and I have gotten over the whole thing okay?" She said caressing my cheeks. "Fine, if you say so but that does not stop me from protecting you from him or whoever tries to hurt you" I said.
"Yes protector" she said and we both laughed.
"Michael? promise me you would not play with feelings, promise me you wouldn't hurt me".Looking into her eyes, I made a promise I vowed never to break, I swore my heart to her.


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