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Two weeks have passed by since the kidnap of my girls. It's been two good weeks and we have not gotten any lead. We don't have a god's damn lead, how do I save my children?
God!!!! What have I ever done to you, why did you decide to place that monster in my life. I have lost everything prescious to me because of him. Why can't he just leave me and my family alone? Angel came back to Nigeria after she was told about the whole issue. She and mum have been by my side ensuring my well-being. We are at the D.P.O's office......
"He even killed my husband, my Michael, God!!!!! If I ever get my hands on him, he would regret ever being born, I hate him!! I so much haaaate him!!!!" I lamented
"It will be alright sis, we will find them, I promise" Angel said reassuringly.
"This is thesame thing everyone has been saying for the past two weeks, I want my children!!" I clapped back pointing at the D.P.O.
"What have you people even been doing?" I asked.
"We have been trying our best ma'am" he said trying to reason with me.
"Well isn't it obvious that your best is not enough? Your best hasn't found my children!! What would you call a BEST that can't even get any information to where they are?" I asked.
"Ma'am please calm down"
"Calm down? Don't you ever tell me to calm down!!" I replied.
"I want my children found before the end of today!!" I said as I storm out of his office with Angel trailing behind me.

I was in the sitting room watching the television when Benita, Johnson's little sister walked in.
"Hi Michael, how are you doing today?" She asked.
"I am great!!!" I replied.
Well Benita has really been good to me, she has worked with her brother to take care of me. I learned that she was the one who found me on the road and alerted the people. She's a wonderful lady and pretty too, I must say.
"So how was work, I asked"
"It was fine oooo we thank God, what are you watching sef?" She asked sitting beside me.
"King of Thieves and I'm loving it" I replied.
"Wow, I've heard about the movie, it sounded interesting though" she replied.
"It does not sound interesting Benny, it is dope!! It is the dopest I've seen so far, it's worth the hype". I replied.
So we watched the movie and other movies together, we talked, laughed and made a lot of gists. Out of the blues she asked...
"Michael, how do you see me?"
"What do mean by how do I see you? I asked.
"Do you love me Michael?" She asked.
"What?" I was caught off-guard by her question.
"I have feelings for you Michael" she said looking me dead in the eyes.
"I've always had feelings for you, I tried to control it but I can't, it's really beyond me now. Michael, I love you with all my heart" she said and to my greatest shock, she kissed me.
Well it wouldn't hurt if I move on with Benny would it? I mean she's a nice girl. I kissed her back but suddenly a flash went through my mind accompanied by a very strong ache in my head.
I screamed clutching my head
"Michael what is wrong with you, are you okay?" She asked worriedly.
I continued screaming as images continue assaulting my mind.
"Michael talk to me now, what is it?" She asked.
As if the veil covering my mind was I thorn, I remembered everything.
"DERA" I said
"What who's Dera? Michael what's going on? please talk to me" she said
"I remember, I remember everything" I said smiling.
"I am coming home my love"
I was  in my room thinking of ways to solve my present situation when my phone rang out.
"Hello?" I answered
"Hello daughter, did you miss me?" The voice said and Immediately I knew it was that son of a demon.
"What do you want this time around?"
"Okay, just say what you want and I will give you, anything just name the price but please don't hurt my children" I pleaded.
"Ohhh now the fiery lioness has become a puppy" he said laughing at me.
"Whatever I accept, just give me back my girls, please" I said.
"It's not that easy you know?" He asked.
"What's not easy? In fact what have I ever done to you, ehn? Why can't you leave me the hell alone?" I asked.
"Hahaha that, is for me alone to know?" He replied.
"Now listen, if you ever want to see your brats again, come to..." He said giving an address "Ensure you come alone or your girls are dead" he added.
"Okay I will be there, I promise, please do not touch them". I pleaded again.
Immediately I was done answering the call, I got to work and then left for the address.

"Well well well look who we have here" The devil said clapping his hands.
"I am here now, where are my kids" I asked.
"Woah not even a hug, oh sweetheart, I'm disappointed" he said acting like I had hurt him.
Before I could say anything else, my face was cover with a thick black material. I struggled to free myself but to no avail.
"You son of a bitch, you tricked me" I said feeling stupid for falling  into his  trap.
"Oh come on child, don't tell me you thought I was going to set your little she-devils free just like that. Come on I thought you were more sensible than that, anyways I will enjoy watching you kill your daughters with your own hands". He said laughing devilishly.
"You wouldn't dare" I challenge.
"Oh trust me dear, I will. Now take her away!!" He commanded his dogs.
"You will regret it, this I promise"
"Yeah, yeah I won't" he replied.
They took me to a damp room and untied my eyes.
"Mom is that you?" I heard from the other side of the room. I couldn't see them because there was a demarcation.
"Kambili, Kamso!!! I shouted trying to reach them through the demarcation.
"Mommy, please take us out of here, we don't wanna stay here anymore" they added.
Mommy is here alright? Don't worry everything will be fine, I will get us out of here" I replied.


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