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It's been two years since I got married, and things have been going well between me and my husband, I have been feeling really sick. I easily get dizzy, regular head aches, I think I have fever or something. It's 7:00am, early Saturday morning, waking up from sleep, I realized that the bed was empty, well I realize that I over sleep nowadays, sometimes I wake up to an empty bed.
Dragging myself from the bed, I decided to go clean up first before going downstairs. At that moment I felt nauseated, I immediately ran into the bathroom to throw up. Then I heard Michael run into the bathroom.
"Are you alright babe?" He asked
"Yeah I am fine, I think I have fever, I will be fine, I replied".
"Well I still think you should visit the hospital or should I call the family doctor to check up on you?" He asked still worried.
"Honey, I said I am fine, okay I will visit the hospital if that will make you happy okay?" I replied smiling.
"Good, that's my baby girl" he said playing with my cheeks while smiling.
"Now get out of here hubby I need to brush my teeth" I said slapping his butt.
"Awwwwn but I want to watch my wife brush" he replied faking hurt.
I just pushed him out of the door while laughing at his behaviour.

It's early Monday morning, I know I am supposed to leave for work but I called Lara to let her know that I would not be at work today, I wasn't well and I needed to visit the hospital. Michael is preparing himself for the travel, he is supposed to go for a conference at Abuja later on this afternoon. I went to the kitchen to get something for him to eat before he goes, only to meet him already preparing something for himself. Good bless my mother-in-law for raising such a responsible man, I thought to myself.
"Hey hun" I said hugging him from the back.
Hey darling, how are you feeling? He asked turning to kiss me on my head.
I feel worse really but I will be going to the hospital" I immediately added after seeing the worry on his face.
"Good, that's good, so you're not going to work today right? You really need to get some rest" He says
Yeah I have already called Lara to tell her that" I said eating one of the fries he was making. "Hmmmm this tastes really nice I said.
"Yeah that's one of the reasons you love me" he said wiggling his brows at me.
"You wish" I said rolling my eyes. "So what's up? How's your day gonna be?" I asked.
"Well tomorrow is the conference, so I will be traveling today to Abuja but before that, I want to spend some time with my wife" he replied
"Hmmmmmm isn't that sweet?" I said hugging back.
So we spent time together before he left for Abuja. I went to the hospital to see the doctor as I promised Michael I would. On getting there, a series of tests were ran on me and right now, I am waiting for my result.
"Mrs Donald? The doctor is ready to see you" The nurse says.
"Okay, you may lead the way" I replied. She leads me to the doctor's office and walks off.
"Hello Doctor"I said. "Hello Mrs Donald, here is your test result" he said handing me the result with a huge smile on his face.
"Uhmmmmmm, Doctor I don't understand can you just tell what's in it?" I asked confused.
"Well Mrs Donald, you're pregnant. Three weeks pregnant"
What did he just say? Pregnant? I am pregnant? Wow!!! This is the best news ever. I was sooooooo stunned I couldn't even say a word. I was so happy that I didn't even know when a year strayed out of my eyes.
"Doctor you said I am pregnant, this is the best news I have gotten so far. I can't wait to tell my husband he would be so happy, thank you so much" I said to the doctor.
"You're welcome and congratulations once more" Mrs Donald


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