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I wasn't even done complaining when a young woman walked in holding a new dress in her arm. Handing the dress to me.
"you can change to this dear, I hope they're your size" she said walking out. She suddenly stopped and said
"Michael sent them and sorry about Trish" she said.
"Wait!! can't I at least know the name of the angle sent to save me today?" I asked feeling grateful.
"Yeah you got it, that's the name, she said". Confused I asked "what?"
"Angel" she replied.
"Wow thank you so much Angel, I really appreciate this" I said. Smiling she walked out giving me room to undress.
"Omo thank God for that Angel of a girl oh see as God just save you so. "Anyway who the hell is Trish?" Lara asked me.
I told her everything that happened from how I met the girl to how she poured her drink on me.
"That girl dey craze ooo, which kin nonsense be that? Omo if nah me she for collect wotowoto mtcheeeeeeew. Nor worry, me go deal with am for you".
"Lara, you really don't need to stress yourself over that girl she's not worth it. She's just jealous because she thinks I am dating Michael". I reassured her.
"Okay oooo but if she tries anything stupid again, I will deal with her".
"Yes mum" I said and we both laughed.
She helped me dress up, the dress was perfectly my size. It was a black coloured dress with silver linings, it flowed down to the floor and had a high slit at the front and a sweetheart neck which revealed a little of my cleavage. After I was done dressing, I looked my self at the mirror and yeah, I loved what I saw.
"Girl!!! you look good!!! I am tempted to say that it's a good thing the idiot poured her drink on you, Lara said excitedly.
"Oh really" I said rolling my eyes at her, deep down in heart I knew I felt the same.
"Okay baby girl let's go"!!!! said Lara.
We came out of the rest room to meet Michael, immediately he saw me,  worriedly walked up to me.
"Are you okay? Did she hurt you?" He asked me really worried.
"Michael I am totally alright, thanks for the dress" I said smiling.
"You're welcome, that's the least I could do for my woman" he said "And my God you look edible" he added.
Thank God for the makeup, my face would have definitely been as red as a tomato.
"Uhmmmmmm thanks and I'm not your woman" I replied.
"We would see about that" he replied
I just rolled my eyes at him.
Lara had gone to sit with Charles and I saw the girl who brought the dress to me sitting with them. We walked up to them and Michael introduced me to the girl.
"Angel, this is DERA and DERA, meet Angel my sister, I'm sure you both have met before" He said.
"It's really nice to meet you Angel and thanks ones again for the dress" I said.
"You're welcome dear, the dress really looks good on you" she replied.
"Okay now that we have all been introduced, why don't you both join in the game?" Lara said inviting us to play. We talked alot and we all enjoyed ourselves. The party was great, we played as if we had already  known ourselves all our lives and Angel was really an Angel. 


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