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I don't even know how I feel right now, I feel hurt, down, sad, broken, I was crumbling. I couldn't even think straight, is this how it feels to be rejected? I love her so much, why can't she just let me in? why did she build such a strong wall around herself? Can't she see how much she means to me. I know I once had a womanizing reputation but I have changed ever since I met her, she has always been the only one I wanted. How can I let her know if she does not let me in? It's been a week since our kiss, God her lips, I could still feel the taste of her soft velvet lips on mine, I smiled as my mind went back to that memory.
I tried calling her line and even visiting her home but she's been avoiding me. I couldn't take it anymore, I have given her enough time so I decided to visit her place. She was alone in the sitting room pressing her phone oblivious of my presence. "DERA?" I called. Shocked she looked up at me, "Michael? how did you...what are you doing here?" She asked.
"For your first question, I came in through the door and for the second, I came to see you" I stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
She rolled her eyes at me. "Won't you offer me a sit?" I asked her.
Rolling her eyes at me for the second time, she told me to sit. Giving her enough space, I decided to sit directly opposite her.
"You've been avoiding me Dera, why?" I asked a little hurt.
"I have not been avoiding you Michael, I have just been really busy" she replied.
"Is it because of the kiss? Don't tell me you didn't feel anything from that kiss, you kissed me back with same intensity. You could have pushed me away immediately but you didn't, why? Why are you lying to yourself? I know you have feelings for me too, I know they were not just as a result of my imagination. I want you to look deep into my eyes and tell me you don't love me Dera".
Looking into my eyes she said "I am sorry Michael, I can't give you what you want" then she walked away.
Defeated I walked to my car and drove home. Later in the day, Charles came over to my place.
"Hey bro, what's up? You ain't looking good are you alright?" he asked me.
I decided to tell him everything, from the beach till my visit to her place.
"Wow so my friend has finally decided to accept the fact that he's in love, I thought breaking hearts was your talent, you have finally been held down by someone" he said teasingly. This is the reason I didn't tell him about my feelings for Dera, even if he had always guessed and had always teased me with it.
"Okay fine, I accept so will you help me?" I asked.
"You love her bro don't give up on her, not yet and besides she never said she doesn't love you, she only said she couldn't give you what you wanted, which means she could have feelings for you but due to some reasons known to her, she couldn't be with you. I think you should have a heart felt discussion with her, get her to open up to you" he said.
"Wow thanks a bunch bro, I never even thought about her words like that. You're so right she never said she doesn't love me. Thanks bro" I said elated.
"Anytime bro" he replied.
So what's next bro? He asked
I looked at him with a huge smile on my face, I immediately stood up, took my car keys.
"Where exactly are you going bro?" I heard him ask.
"To talk to my woman" I replied.


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