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She said she loves me, DERA loves me!!! We were together having a nice time taking in the view of the ocean together, she was in my arms right where she should be. I decided to asked her the question that has been plaguing my heart. "DERA?"
"Hmmm"she answered.
"What made you so anti-man?" I asked expecting her to shun me immediately. Instead she smiled and raising her head off my shoulders so she could look me directly in the eyes. "I guess I should just let you know then, if this relationship is going to work then I have to trust you with all my secrets right?" she replied.
"I was born into a very wealthy home, my parents gave me everything I wanted, but they couldn't give me the one thing I needed, LOVE. But how could they give me what they never had?" She said her eyes tearing up. Immediately, I knew this was a tough topic for her. "DERA you don't need to tell me a thing if you're not ready" I told her. She just smiled and continued.
"They didn't even love each other, my mum was a fashion designer and my dad was a wealthy merchant. It was not always like that, they used to be in love, at least that I knew. Everything changed when his business crumbled, he started drinking and picking fights unnecessarily. They both quarrelled over little things, dad started beating mum and yelling at every given opportunity. Mum tried her best to make him happy, but everything she did just made him worse. I was also not left out of the drama, I was mercilessly beaten by him for pouring water on his shoes which was not even intentional.
The last straw that broke the horses back was when he cheated on my mum on their matrimonial bed. My mum was so heart broken and she confronted him but he ended beating her, he then pushed her and she hit her head on the floor, that was the moment my mum's life was taken from her, she was killed by her own husband".
I was there, I saw it all, I ran out of my home, I ran like I had never done before, I felt that if he could kill his wife then he could do thesame to me". I went to my mum's best friend, Aunty Joy, she knew about my dad and the problems he caused my mum. She had always advised my mum to leave my dad but she refused. On getting to her place, I hurriedly pressed the bell switch until the door was opened to me. Immediately I saw her, I ran to hug her legs, she hugged me back asking me if everything was alright. I told her everything that happened and how my dad killed my mum.
"Oh my goodness dear, I'm so sorry" she said hugging me tightly. God what's wrong with Denis Bernard? How could he do this to his home?" She asked. "Ahhh I told my friend to leave him but she didn't now see what he has done to her. But I promise you Bella, I will bring him to book even if it's the last thing I do" she swore.
From that time she started taking care of me, she reported the case to the police, my dad was arrested and he was taken to court. I testified against him, he pleaded not guilty but was later found guilty, at the end and was given a 70 years jail term with hard labour.


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