Chapter 7 - Ratatoskr

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John's PoV

John: "Now why would I want to kill you?" I asked unfazed by her threat.

Before the mysterious girl responds, Shido arrived towards the scene.

John: "Shido what are you doing here?"

Shido: "I ran here as fast possible, I checked a GPS tracker where Kotori's phone is and it was right here." He said panting from the running.

???: "So you brought an accomplice, the both of you are trying to kill me.

John: "Now don't just jump to conclusions. If we are here to kill you, why aren't the both of us armed? Most importantly if we were trying to kill you, the both of us would have attacked you by now."

???: "Then why are you both here in the first place?"

John: "We are trying to find our little sister."

Shido: "Wait, what is that?"

???: "Its the ones that tried to kill me without any reason."

I stared up at the sky to see a bunch of girls wearing some sort of armor. Upon closer inspection, one of them is Origami, the girl that was spying on us earlier this morning.

Origami shot a missile at the mysterious girl, not before the latter blocked the attack with some sort of magical barrier. The radius of the explosion was strong enough to knocks Shido back before he got knocked out.

John: "Shido!"

I rushed towards Shido to check if he is alright, to my relief he is just unconscious. I then turned around to see the mysterious girl engaging Origami along with her squad.

???: "You should take your friend and run while you can. I will handle this."

John: "You can't handle them alone, what are you going to do?"

???: "Just go, I got it." I reluctantly run from the scene, not before something starts to glow around my body along with Shido. The both of us then instantly appeared on an area I don't seem to recognize. Everything looks a bit futuristic.

As I looked around the area, a door opened and a women around her thirty's came out of it.

???: "Hello, I know you are confused. But I will explain it later. For now, please follow me."

I followed her until the both of us walked into what looks like an infirmary.

???: "Put him here, I will check his condition."

John: "Are you a doctor?"

???: "No, but I know basic first aid."

I stared at her suspiciously until I reluctantly placed Shido down on one of the beds.

???: "Also, the commander would like to see you. The vice commander will lead you to her" as the door opens to reveal a blond hair man in his late twenties.

???: "Hello, you must be John. My name is Kyouhei Kanaduki. I am the vice commander. The commander would like to see you. Please follow me.

John: "What about Shido, I can't just leave him alone."

Kyouhei: "Do not worry, your friend is in good hands. Analysis officer Reine will take good care of him."

I looked back at where Shido is currently being attended by Reine before reluctantly follow the man.

A minute later, we have finally reached the main room.

I looked beside me to see a girl sitting on the main chair of the room. She spun her chair around to face me. It was Kotori.

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