Chapter 39 - Makeover

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John's PoV

Shiori: "Okay, the preparations are complete. But is this really necessary?"

Kotori: "Yep. You don't want Natsumi to feel uncomfortable now don't you?"

Shiori: "Ugh..."

Kotori then gave "Shiori" a thumbs up before turning her attention towards the others.

Kotori: "Are all of you girls ready?"

Girls: "Yes!"

Kotori: "Okay, John. Would you be kind to fetch Natsumi here?"

John: "Yeah. I'll bring her here."

I then turned towards Miku.

John: "Make sure you don't make her feel too uncomfortable."

Miku: "Don't worry darling, I'm great at giving out massages!"

Kotori: "He means not to touch Natsumi inappropriately, yuri girl."

John: "Yeah... anyways I'll bring Natsumi here now...  be right back."

I then went to the infirmary and see Natsumi laying on the bed. Upon coming closer, she tries to hide in the blanket. However, I lift the covers up as Natsumi attempt to hide in them again.

John: "Natsumi, please don't be like that."

Natsumi: "Leave me alone..."

John: "Natsumi. Just cooperate with me. You are still hurt."

Natsumi: "How are you supposed to help me? Im just an ugly person that does not deserve any attention!"

I let out a sigh before sitting on the bed next to her.

John: "Natsumi, you aren't ugly. What makes you think people would see you as an ugly person?"

Natsumi: "Can't you tell? Just looking at my face would bring you sheer disgust!"

John: "In that case, what if I told you there is a way that could turn you into the most beautiful person without the need of your power?"

Natsumi: "There is no such thing! No one wouldn't help me anyways!"

John: "They won't. I promise you. Just follow me and I'll take you to the place."

Natsumi: "How do I know you aren't lying!?"

John: "Well, it's either you take my words for it, or not. You will have to see this yourself."

Natsumi: "F-fine... but you better not be tricking me..."

I then got off the bed as Natsumi reluctantly does the same. I then lead her to the teleporter before the both of us are then transported into a room. A door can be seen in front of us.

Natsumi: "This doesn't look like the place."

John: "I'm sure you heard of the phrase "looks can be deceiving" before right?"

Natsumi: "Well... yeah."

I then turned the handle as the door opens as I gestured Natsumi to come in.

There, Miku can be seen standing beside a massage bed.

Miku: "Hello! You must be my client! Please lay down on this bed and I'll give you a relaxing time~"

Natsumi visibly looks at Miku with a discomfort expression before hiding behind me.

Natsumi: "This lady scares me!"

Miku, upon hearing what Natsumi just said about her then got close to me with teary eyes.

Miku: "Darling... am I really that scary?"

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