Chapter 21 - Nightmare

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Third Person View

Mana: "Are you okay brother?"

Shido: "M-Mana... what are you doing?"

Mana: "I am here to do my job."

Kurumi: "My, it's rude to interrupt my date with Shido."

Mana: "Wait here brother, I will finish this quickly."

Mana then proceeds to fire a laser at Kurumi, she swiftly dodges it. However Mana then proceeds to control the movement of the laser with her finger as Kurumi continues to dodge. However, she is eventually hit as she falls down on the ground with an open wound on her stomach. Mana then proceeds to walk towards Kurumi holding a lightsaber sword.

Shido: "Wait! Don't kill her!"

Kurumi: "Shido... you are too nice..."

Mana then swiftly stabbed Kurumi with her sword as signs of life disappears. Much to Shido's horror.

Shido: "Mana... did you know what you just did...?"

Mana: "I killed a spirit."

Shido: "How could you just easily kill someone like that!?"

Mana: "It's just my job. Now, pretend all this never happens. It's for the best. This includes the both of you." John and Tohka stares at Mana silently before the former helped Shido up.

Mana: "Also, Nightmare is only gone for a bit. She will eventually come back again."

Tohka: "What do you mean by again...?

Mana: "No matter how many times Nightmare dies, she will eventually come back. Once she does, she will continue her killings. I killed Nightmare multiple times, and I will continue to hunt her down until-"

Shido: "Stop! That's enough!"

Shido: "Just stop talking about killing! You are saying like you are used to it already!

Mana: "As I mentioned before, I am only doing my job. Don't make this harder than it's supposed to be." Mana then summons a form of force shield around her before using it to push Shido away a huge distance from the wood.

Tohka: "Shido!" Tohka then sprints after Shido as John stayed there trying to process what happened.

Mana: "You should go too. I will clean up this little mess."

John: "Before I go... what you are doing won't help you. You said you are going to kill Kurumi countless of times. But, all those efforts are pointless. It's like replacing a bandage for a small wound. Think this through, for your brothers sake. I'm sure he doesn't want you to go to the path you are going to now." The young man then turns around and walks away as Mana stood there confused what the young man just told her. She then notices an earpiece on the ground as she picks it up and inspects it.

John's PoV

After giving Mana some parting words, I started to walk back out of the woods as I see Tohka tending to Shido, the latter still upset what just happened with Kurumi.

John: "Hey... do you want to talk?"

Shido: "I-I don't know what to do... Kurumi is just... different unlike Tohka and Yoshino... I... can't save her."

John: "That's not true. Kurumi is just another spirit like Tohka and Yoshino."

Shido: "But..."

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