Chapter 10 - Sealing The Princess

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April 14th 2011 12:00 p.m

John's PoV

After finishing our meal and paid using the coupons Hiroto provided for us, Kotori informed me of the next location for the date.

John: "Thanks Kotori, you have been a great help." As I praised her.

Kotori blushed a little before regaining her composure.

Kotori: "Here is the address, multiple crew from Fraxinus will wait there."

John: "Will do, also would you like anything tonight once we finish this?"

Kotori: "Maybe burger night will be great."

John: "Alright, I'll ask Shido first if he is alright with it. If he does, ill make sure to buy some ground beef tonight and a couple of your favorite lollipops."

Kotori: "Thank you John." As she gives me a hug which I returned.

John: "Just don't tell Shido about the lollipops alright?" As Kotori giggles.

Kotori: "I promise. Now go back to your date, Tohka and Shido is waiting for you."

I waved goodbye to Kotori as I exited the restaurant to meet up with Shido and Tohka.

John: "Shido, this is the address Kotori would like us to go next." As a gave him the small piece of paper with the address written down to the young man.

Shido: "Alright, I'll take the lead then."

Tohka: "So where should we go now?"

Shido: "I know a great place, follow me."

After walking for a bit, the three of us eventually come across a small bridge that leads to another part of a plaza. Kotori's crew is waiting for us there.

Tohka: "John, Shido, look! What is that thing?" As she points at a koi fish swimming in the water below the bridge."

Shido: "That's a koi fish, you don't see those a lot here."

Tohka: "Can you eat them?"

John: "No Tohka, you can't eat them. But I heard they represent good luck and fortune."

Tohka: "Aww..."

Shido: "There should be plenty more food ahead, so let's get going." As Tohka's face lit up

Tohka: "Then what are we waiting for!? Let's go!" As she drags Shido's with her to which I smiled.

Tohka is so pure and innocent, that's rare. I'll make sure this stays once she is sealed. Although, if she ever meets Miku, then that would be a different story. I should probably start planning what to do if both of them ever met. I don't want Tohka to learn bad things from Miku after all. Miku is a good person, but sometimes she can go far especially when it comes to pretty girls that catch her attention.

As I am busy thinking, I hear Tohka's voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

Tohka: "John, are you coming?"

John: "Yeah, I'm coming." As I sprinted towards the plaza.

Upon reaching the plaza, we are instantly greeted by confetti's and a man who is most likely with Fraxinus.

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