Chapter 44 - Zodiac

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John's PoV

Today is Saturday, which means it's the day Shido goes on a date with Origami. Since Shido is going on a date with Origami, I am also getting ready to prepare for a date with Yuzuru. Changing to a casual wear, I grabbed my fedora before heading downstairs. At the living room, Shido, who is dressed for the date is currently talking with Kotori right now.

John: "Good morning you two."

Shido: "Oh, good morning John."

Kotori: "Morning."

Shido: "You look nice, are you going out on a date today?"

John: "Yeah, I'm going out on a date with Yuzuru."

Shido: "Cool, have fun."

Kotori: "Wait John, before you go. I need to ask you something.

John: "Sure, what is it?"

Kotori: "The girl Shido is going out on a date with, is that girl Devil?"

John: "No doubt, they look very alike. I'm sure it's Devil. Knowing Shido, he will be able to win her heart no problem and seal her."

Kotori: "How can you be so sure about that?"

John: "What? Don't have your faith in your brother now?"

Kotori: "I do, but if Shido messes up one bit, he could end up dead."

John: "As long as he doesn't reveal his spirit power in front of Origami, he should be all right. You worry a little too much. If things goes bad, you and your crew can assist. Yuzuru and I can help too if the situation goes south."

Shido: "I'll be fine Kotori. I promise." Kotori let's put a sigh.

Kotori: "Fine, but I will still watch above just in case you need help. Knowing John, he should be fine on his date with Yuzuru."

John: "Okay, with everything aside. Lets all be on our way. Have you two ate yet?"

Shido: "Nope."

Kotori: "If a chuppa chup doesn't count, no."

John: "In that case, let's go out and eat together for breakfast. When is your date with Origami Shido?"

Shido: "Around 12 p.m."

John: "We should be able to finish breakfast before that time then. Let's head out now."

The three of us heads out for breakfast, we have breakfast at the same restaurant Kotori likes mainly due to the deluxe kids meal. Although since the kids meal is only available during dinner, I ordered an alternative to which she really liked. After breakfast, everyone went their separate ways. Shido goes to meet Origami at their designated meeting spot, Kotori to Fraxinus in order to monitor and assist Shido on his date, I walked towards the park to meet up with Yuzuru there. Once I arrived at the park, I checked the time to see I am early. So I decided to wait at a nearby bench. After waiting for a couple minutes, I see Yuzuru in the distance. I waved at Yuzuru before getting off the bench and walked towards her. As soon as the both of us got close to each other, we embraced each other before sharing a kiss.

John: "Hey Yuzuru."

Yuzuru: "Greetings, John."

John: "Shall we head off?"

Yuzuru: "Reply, of course."

I offered my hand to Yuzuru whom she gladly accepts it.

John: "Do you want to walk around here for a bit?"

Yuzuru: "Yes, I don't mind."

While walking around the park, Yuzuru and I talked about your typical basic usual conversations.

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