Captain Kuro

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"Usopp! Are you trying to get killed?!"

Usopp and Nami paused in confusing before realizing what you and Zoro did, if you hadn't noticed him, the enemy would've shifted their attack to them.

"Zoro..Sorachi! This is no time to worry about others!"

"Sorry Zoro..I can't help you..yet" you stood up, your eyes went wide open when Nami passed you, you threw Zoro his sword and he caught it but before he could scold you, his eyes wide open when you ran after the girl, after noticing Django pulling something from his coat, you reached your hand out and called her.




"You okay, Nami?" You hid the girl's face into your neck while her trembling hand grabbed your shirt into a tight fist feeling your blood soak into it. Everything just suddenly went slow, she heard you scream her name, when she turned, you grabbed her and fell with her to the ground with your hand securing the back of her head from the fall...

"Damnit! Why always my shoulder?!" You sighed sitting down and holding into the open wound. 

"S-SORACHI! ARE YOU OKAY?!" You side eyed the boy and smiled "yeah! I'm okay!!" you waived at him, Usopp could feel his shivering legs calm down and he nodded. While Zoro's grip into his two swords tightned to the point some veins popped out.

But then Siam and Butchie, Django and his crew began to tremble and shiver, all colours draining from their faces like they seen a monster or a ghost.


"Purrfect..he's pissed, isn't he?" You sighed and an awkward tension filled the air "OH C'MON! IT'S A CLASSIC!" you looked around confused at the faces everyone gave you while Kuro's eyebrow twitched "THIS IS NO TIME FOR JOKES!!! DON'T YOU EVER READ THE MOOD??!!" "Whatever~ I'm taking a nap.."

"NAMI YOU CREEP! WHY'D YOU HAVE TO STEP ON MY HEAD?!" When you heard Luffy yelling, you got up rubbing your eyes before they went wide open when Nami slipped and a flowing chakram went through Luffy's mouth.

"THAT REALLY HURT!!!" "AWESOME! IT WASN'T JUST FOR HYPNOTIZING! Can I have one?!" Luffy's scream was followed by yours..

"Well we gotta finish fast before the village wakes up" you sat up holding into your shoulder and glared at Django making him step away.


A familiar voice ordered, getting everyone's attention as they looked up the hill "Oh Kaya-san!" You waived at the female, keeping cool so she wouldn't panic or anything, the girl gasped for air, she shakily smiled back with a wave before taking a deep breath to calm her nerves.

You felt Luffy help you up, a hand on your waist as you leaned on him both listening to Klahador's plan, noticing how Kaya trembled that she even dropped the gun she was holding, "hey, Luffy" you called the boy and he hummed and shifted his eyes to yours "I want Usopp to join"

After making sure Kaya ran with Ninjin, Piiman, Tamanegi. It was now:

Captain Kuro, Butchie vs Luffy, Zoro, Sorachi, Usopp.

When a weird sound echoed from the forest, you and Usopp gazed at it, "Usopp! Do you know your way through there?!" You asked the boy and he gulped before nodding "then get up! Kaya and the kids need you! Captain Usopp"

The long nose boy's eyes locked on your smile, taking in every feature, he looked down for a few seconds before trembling as he pushed himself to get up.

"I'LL SLICE 'IM TO RIBBONS!!" "Bad kitty~" You smirked looking down at the guy being held down by Zoro "stay down and shut up, and I may let you live!" The green haired male said after you.

When you heard a thud, you sighed in relief "Thought you died, idiot.." You walked to the boy who laid on the ground shivering "N-No!! My body...I can't move!!" tears rolled down his eyes when he looked away from you.

When Kuro started laughing and his crew, Luffy clenched his hand holding back from punching him "laugh at Usopp again...and I'll kill you", you crouched down legs spread and elbows resting on your knees "do you need help?" You asked blankly and he nodded "I need words, I don't want you to regret it after" you looked up to the sky and the boy clenched his jaw "YES! YES I DO! I GOTTA PROTECT 'EM! I GOTTA PROTECT THOSE KIDS!!!" Luffy grinned along you and Zoro "Hai!" At your words, Usopp's eyes went wide open at the light that shined from your hair, 'she looks angel..' he thought to himself when he saw your smile, he couldn't bring himself to feel scared or terrified not even shocked but only appreciate and amaze, he felt his body get stronger, his injuries fading away just like the golden color.




Usopp shakily got up, gasping for air and Zoro just finished with Butchie and placed his words back to their saya "Luffy! Sora! I'll carry Usopp and go after the hypnotist!" He told you and helped the boy up.

Despite healing Usopp, his body lost a lot of blood and with the tire he put on himself, he still needed time to regain some energy.

"What should I do~?" You hummed before turning to the men at the end of the hill, just by the look on your eyes they dropped to the ground "why don't you laugh at your own crew? Captain Kuro~" when he heard you call him, the male shifted he attack to you "DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!"


Luffy stretched his legs back and looked around confused when Kuro disappeared before standing back on his legs "well at least Zoro and Usopp got up the slope" you shrugged and you raised you an eyebrow when Kuro appeared again.

"We fight seriously, I have one question...why are you, outsiders, sticking your necks out for this village?" Kuro raised an eyebrow but stopped hearing you laugh, while Luffy grinned "HA HA HA!! Don't worry~ we aren't playing either! We fight for a reason~" You covered your mouth with your hand hiding your smirk

"Cause there's someone in this village...we don't want you to kill"


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