The Adventurer

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As he staggered through the door after a tiring day at work, his crappy memory clicked. He remembered the new trip he had to take. He made his way to his bathroom and slammed the door. The shower turned on as he began to think about the implications of the trip. 

On his latest ventures, he'd found a strange place. There was ample evidence of intelligent people living there. He hadn't gotten to explore the strange land but he was sure that it would be amusing. After all, none of his experiences had disappointed him yet. 

He'd found the coordinates of the new place on one of his last adventures. Just after he got past the last trap, he saw a glint from the corner of his eyes. Tired and battered he had picked it up without realizing what it was. The second of its kind that the adventurer had encountered, it was a mapped artefact. 

It was programmed to lead its user to a planned destination. So when the adventurer tried to navigate out of the maze, it led him to the strange land. Without sensing, the battered traveller moved slowly when something flew past him.

Even though he wasn't in his best condition, the traveller had realized what the object was.

It brought him back to his senses. He had jumped back to his home, dropping the mapped artefact.

He came back to his original home then. Barely managing to stay conscious, he had walked to his bed. He fell into a deep slumber only to wake up two days later, hurrying to get to his job.

The constant travel had taken a toll on him even more so since he had travelled to two different OtherWorlds in succession.

His power made him the most special, but they were tiring. The adventurer had almost forgotten about the land until that fateful day.

After he had bathed, he got out. Realizing that he was in no condition to travel with his body, he decided to use one of his other tricks.

Going to sleep, the adventurer imagined his soul leaving his body. This was the most sacred power he had - Soul Travel. He closed his eyes as he imagined his life force separating from his body.

When he opened them again, he could see his body from a third-person perspective. This power never ceased to amaze him. He manifested his spirit into a more physical form to break the space-time continuum using his powers. It worked. Every time he did this, he wondered if it would work, but it always did.

The adventurer went through the rift into his personal dimensional gap, the first dimension he had ever found and the safest. He refuelled his energy pack and picked up the phantom sword that he had gotten from the ghost dimension. It was a special weapon that did not require a material body or medium to hold, but it only had attack damage of 40, which made it a rather average sword.

As the traveller decided to look for signs of life, he spotted a tiny hill. He floated directly towards it. As he got closer to it, he saw how much it looked like an ant hill. There were tiny holes all over it and he saw some things quickly flitting in and out of them. 

He got a good look at the beings that were running around and suddenly realized that everywhere he looked there were moving gusts. He focused on his hearing and heard the constant fluttering of wings in that world. 

He was upon the hill when he realized what beings existed in that world. He passed through the walls of the hill and was shocked at the sight that greeted him and his sword. 

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