My other life and the pixie trying to interfere

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I loved my job. It was what i'd always wanted. I didn't have to interact with people a lot AND i got to stare at a screen all day for my job. I was an app developer at a very big company. It was amazing, I just had to enter at the correct time and not be late and they had no problem. 

My skills were sought by many companies much bigger than this, but i was a very nostalgic person. This place had given me my first job. I'm not dumb though. If someone were to provide enough money i'd jump at the opportunity to work for them.

I didn't have many friends and didn't look for any because i was pretty busy with my adventures. I'd just told everyone that I liked to travel and hike, alone, a lot. This had allowed me to explain any injuries and absences.

I entered the building and went straight to my office. I worked in the Mobile app development sector and I've been working here for 3 years now. I was what could be called a prodigy. I could create apps for basically anything, given that i had the right software. 

I entered my office and my only friend in the real world and on Earth sat looking at a computer screen facing the window. I had no idea what he was doing in my office as he had a much bigger corner one. I guess he was just lonely. He told us that he was new to the country when he originally started here but somehow his coding and programming skills were considered the best in the world. I may have been a prodigy but he was the perfect combination of talent and hard work honed to perfection.

Sometimes i wondered how he could have learnt so much as a human. It would take decades to learn how to code as well as him and even then it'd be a pale imitation of his true abilities. And he didn't look a day over 34 and he'd looked like that ever since i knew him.

I knew why he was sitting here alone in my room though. He was the best so people wanted to use him for personal gains. They got close to him to work with him and then take credit. I had seen it happen way to many times. Sometimes i wondered if he had any other friends than me.

As I was thinking about all this he had realized i was standing there and was staring straight at me. I felt his piercing gaze as if he was looking at my soul rather than my body. His grey eyes were really freaky. It matched the silver hair on his head in an unnatural way.

I started walking towards him to talk and then heard the clacking of keys. He was still looking straight at me and i was dumbfounded and awestruck as i realized that he was writing a code while not even paying attention to it.

"Hey,  What's the Greatest coder in the world up to now?"

"I've told you hundreds of times not to call me that."

"And I've told you hundreds of times that i will call you that GC." GC stood for greatest coder. Not that brilliant i know.

"But seriously Kane, what are you up to?"

"It's an amazing new software that would allow us to play a game where we could battle ancient mythological monsters and travel into new worlds and play with hundreds of creatures."

That's what I do every day. I thought. 
"Sounds cool. How are you gonna get through the space problem?"
"Oh, that's easy. I'm not. I'm inputting a signature code of mine which would allow the app to take only 100 MB storage while the actual game is over 80 GB."

I was so used to stuff like this that I didn't even flinch and ask him how. He had been adamant for a year now about not telling me what magic his hands had that he could so easily make codes like this.

I walked towards my desk and kept my bag on the chair. Just as i was about to get out my laptop i realized it was moving. My BAG was moving. I calmly got out a monster bomb in case some monster had somehow followed me to this dimension and got the memory eraser in my immediate use as i might have to erase Kane's memories. That's when Joy appeared in my bag flying above my laptop.

My natural instinct caused me to shove her down into the bag so that she wouldn't be able to get out but I felt bad that i'd hurt her, again. So i asked Kane if he could get me some coffee. It was just a benefit of having him as your friend that he could leave the code while he was programming as he had no problem remembering everything. That dude was too scary.

As i saw him walk out of the room, i slowly put my hand down my bag and grabbed the muffled pixie. 

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snapped.
"I thought i'd surprise you ya know? And i would get bored just sitting alone in the room." She said.
"That makes sense, I guess. But still, if you'd have popped out of my bag then i don't think my friend would've kept his sanity."I explained to her as she was jumping around the room.

She stopped dead in her tracks after i said this and looked me straight in my eyes and asked, "You have friends?"

I flicked her across the room.

What could i say? I was very petty, especially when it was a pixie who was making fun of me.

"Yes, I have a friend."
"Talking to yourself is usually a sign of going crazy you know?"

I turned around so hard I sprained my neck. Kane was back. How he had gotten our coffees so fast I didn't know.

"You're back? How did you get our coffees so fast?"I exclaimed

"Hmm?" He said mindlessly as he went back to his code.
"Oh, I got it from my office, not the service area 3 floors down."

His office had a personal coffee machine. My jealousy shot through the sky. Then i remembered the little hell-spawn i had flicked across the room. She flew up behind kane's back. If he turned even a little he would immediately know that she was there because his intuition was extremely amazing.
I hoped she knew not to make any noise and to shut up.

1083 words

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