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Joy Redner

When Philip activated his powers, Joy sensed that something had gone wrong. The previous times they had leapt into another dimension, it felt like flying through the sky. This time, however, Joy felt a strange unease wash over her. She felt as if someone had interrupted her as she was flying and pulled her towards the earth. 

Joy fell. In a matter of seconds, she was stuck. She became lost in a void of darkness. There was no way for her even to know if she was moving. She just drifted around the emptiness until she sensed a burst of magic from a distance.

Joy couldn't comprehend that such a place existed. It was devoid of life. There were no colours. No land. Nothing could be seen in any direction. Yet, even in this barren dimension, there was magic. Magic signified life. Any being who could live in this land would have to know how to leave. 

Joy quickly zipped off in the direction from where the magic came. Time was different in dimensions, so as Joy was flying toward the source of magic, she began to worry about the passage of time. She wished that Philip was safe. 

After flying for hours, a light appeared in a far-off distance. The light seemed to be flickering from such a distance, but finally, there was something that Joy could follow.

She started flying again. It took her a few more hours to reach the light. As she got closer, the light flickered less and less. Just when she was upon the source of the light she realized it was a screen, or many screens, to be precise. She couldn't see what was being displayed on those screens because they were separated by a translucent wall.

For a moment, Joy felt immense fear when she realized that someone made this wall. She could not grasp how any being could make anything here. The dimension was devoid of any magic. It would be impossible to survive here as no life could grow. 

"Maybe I should just break the wall?" Joy whispered.

For some reason, she was sure that the light was important. There had to be someone sustaining this magic. Joy wondered if that person or being could help her. 

She used her blood magic and summoned a sword. Immediately after being formed, her sword seemed to be covered in blood. However, the blood seeped into her sword to reveal its striking bluish hue. Joy aimed her sword straight towards the wall, where the screens were still visible. 

She focused on a singular point at the centre of the wall and imagined energy coming out from the tip of her sword. 

"Pierce." She muttered. 

A streak of blinding light shot out from the tip of her blade. It was one of her stronger attacks, capable of taking down any B-rank beast and harming up to an S-rank. But even this attack barely cracked the wall in front of her. The attack's power seemed to disperse as it got closer to the wall leaving nothing but a small rill in the wall. 

Fortunately, that much was enough for Joy. She placed her hand on the crack and imagined her magic flowing from her hand into the rill. It slowly widened. Joy pressured her magic powers, pushing against the wall. Soon the wall had a crack running down it. Joy felt that the wall was about to break. The push-back from the magic in the wall became much greater and Joy had to push her magic to the limit to push the crack further. 

Finally, the wall broke. Joy just had a moment to realize that she had succeeded before the hole pulled her in. The sheer pressure of the hole made it impossible for her to move. It pulled her in like a black hole. Immediately, she was inside but the screens seemed to have moved further away. She fell to the floor before she even had the chance to look around. Somehow wherever she was was darker than the void she had just escaped.

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