That pixie can fight huh?

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I remember the first time I saw the hellhounds. At first, they looked no different than ordinary wolves, but after going home I researched a bit and found that they were a bit bigger than regular wolves. And wolves didn't have red eyes. 

The first thing I noticed about the 'Wolves' was their red glowing eyes. I noticed the same thing this time as well, but these wolves seemed different. Their eyes glowed unnaturally. I lifted Phantom as the first wolf started making its way toward me.

 It jumped and I moved ahead making a clean angle and cutting its stomach open. I saw other cuts on its body but that could just be due to a fight between the hellhounds.

Just as the hound hit the ground, another started running toward me and I noticed that it had scars on its body. This was not usual. Just when it would have been in the ideal position to attack me it changed direction. But why? It was aiming behind me.

 It took me longer than it should have to realize that it was trying to attack Joy. Just as it was about to jump on her she disappeared and appeared below the hound. She had gotten out her sword sometime since I had started fighting, and she made one rotation around the hound's body cutting it just enough that it bled out but not quickly.

It wasn't like Joy. I knew this method from somewhere but I couldn't place it. But this wasn't a tactic Joy would use, it was too torturous. The hound was whimpering as it bled out onto the leaves surrounding us. I went up to it and drove a sword straight through its heart. At this point, I noticed a clean cut running straight across its face. It couldn't have been made by other hounds. It seemed human or man-made, at least.

But there were no humans in this dimension. I'd checked. Perhaps...

No, that possibility was nearly 0. But this meant that there was something that was endangering and performing experiments on the indigenous wildlife and that was unacceptable. The remaining hounds had already seen two of their members shredded to bits and scampered away. Joy was about to go in pursuit when I stopped her.

"The way you just fought, it wasn't like you." I spoke robotically.

"So? The traveller who taught me how to fight told me that pack animals will run away if you torture one of their own in front of them."

"But that's not okay. It's an underhanded technique and no one should employ that." I exclaimed.

"Fine. I only did it cause the previous guy taught me to fight like this."

"Well, it's wrong and you shouldn't do that. So promise me that you won't do something like this again."
"And what if I don't?"She asked me as if challenging me.

"Then we're done."

She looked horrified but reluctantly nodded her head. 

"Great. Now then, something has been torturing these beasts and it's not me so we need to figure out who it is."

But first, I needed to do something important - Get Loot!
I walked up to the wolf and sheathed MM. I then got my dagger out and moved towards its mouth. Then I started to take out its fangs. They were worth a lot in the interdimensional market. The claws were useful to make weapons, so I took those out as well. I decided that I should sell the loot before trying to figure out who was hurting the hounds. Just as I was about to get ready to go to the IDM, Joy pointed out, "What about its hide?"
"What about it?" I asked
"A hellhound is an amazing animal but its hide is of no use to me. The hide would be great but it's been cut so it'll sell for really low on the market and it's not strong enough that I use it to make something."

"What are you talking about? Don't you know that a hellhound's hide is strong? Haven't you ever tried punching one?"

I went up to the hound and touched its skin. At first, I only felt the hair and fur ripple in my skin, but then I put some pressure on its skin and I felt it for the first time. It was very hard. But then why was I able to cut through it with such ease? As this thought raced through my head I felt the hide of the dead wolf get harder. I realized that a hellhound's skin tightens after it dies. I quickly cut off as much as I could and then carried it safely back into my cabin. Then I placed it into a bag that was meant to clean stuff and store it away. It was bigger inside than outside due to dwarven magic and could hold more than it seemed to. Now, it was time to get going to the land of the most dangerous beings I'd ever seen- Businessmen

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