So Kane is a...

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Neroclius stepped forward and I realized why he wore all black clothes. It helped him to blend into the shadows. But the question I had at that moment was how had Kane realized he was there. 

Neroclius brandished his dagger. I looked at Kane to see his reaction but his face was surprisingly void of any surprise. I wanted to apologize to him. He was in danger because of me. I stepped ahead of him so that i could protect Kane in case Neroclius attacked.

Neroclius looked at my side and saw the bandaged stomach.

"You used healing magic?" He seemed truly amazed.

"Healing magic? What are you talking about dude? I used medicine, not magic."

"Ha! Don't tell me you don't even know how to distinguish common human medicine from elf magic."

"Elf Magic?" I looked at Kane and wondered if the green light was more than an illusion.

"Enough talking. I'll kill you now."

I wasn't prepared for what happened next. Neroclius came at me with astonishing speed. And then stopped just before he could reach me. His position was weird, I thought. One of his legs was in the air and his blade was held as if he was stopped mid-strike.

I looked at him and saw him glaring behind me. I looked behind and saw Kane extending his hand toward Neroclius. And this time i knew that the light surrounding Neroclius was no illusion. It was actual elf magic. And Kane being able to use it meant that he was an-

"I'd appreciate it if someone as weak as you refrained from killing my best friend, Assassin."Kane looked so cool. But what the hell did he mean weak? Neroclius was the most famous assassin. He could kill anyone.

"WHY? Why would an elf of your calibre help a weakling like him?"

"Exactly because of that. He's a weakling. I've been protecting him all this time. I've been using my magic to help him for years now."

"But why? Does someone like him even deserve that much protection? He's so weak that-"

"Excuse me, but I'm standing right here ya know?"

"Sorry, Philip. Let me take care of this assassin, then we shall discuss this at length."

I never thought i would hear one of the greatest assassins of all time scream like a little girl and beg for his life. But that's exactly what Neroclius did. 

"I'm willing to apologize and even become your servant. Please don't kill me."

Kane seemed pleased with that. He let go of the assassin and Neroclius quietly sat down on the sofa.

Kane looked at me and then pointed to the spot next to Neroclius. I was afraid of Neroclius and didn't trust him, but at that moment i was more scared of Kane so i sat down.

He took a chair and placed it in front of us and sat on it. 

"First of all, Philip, I would like to apologize for hiding the fact that i am an elf from you. But i would also like to ask you why you appeared in my room with a knife in your stomach."

I looked nervously at him and then at Neroclius. Neroclius glared at me and then looked at Kane.

For some reason, this scene reminded me of sitting in front of my parents with my brother, except i never had a brother. Kane stared at Neroclius with murderous intent and this caused Neroclius to bow and apologize to me. I forgave him and said he just did it cause of the bounty.

"WAIT! You're the bounty? You are the interdimensional traveller who has a bounty of 2300000 unis on you?"

It's rare to see Kane be surprised or confused. I got to see both those emotions simultaneously.

"Philip, could you kindly explain to me why he seems to think you are an interdimensional traveller with a bounty so high that you could afford a shop in the Interdimensional market."

"You know about the interdimensional market?" I asked.

"I am an outlaw elf who has spent the last 120 years running from my kingdom. Of course, I know about the IM."

"Oh. Well about your question, I have a cool power that allows me to travel to parallel dimensions with different kinds of beings. It's like being in a game where I live in two worlds. I can hop to the other dimension while leaving my body behind, which is more like spiritual travelling, and the other way is that I make a rift through space that allows me to go over and/or bring stuff back from the OtherWorlds which I call OW's because I frequently get hurt while travelling."

"I see. This is unprecedented. You did well hiding the fact that you had this power."

Neroclius was flabbergasted, "Yo- you... How is it possible?"

" I'll tell you if I figure it out ok?"


For some reason, I felt like I was forgetting something. Just then Joy entered and looked at Kane, then she noticed me and she didn't seem to see Neroclius. I looked around and saw that he'd camouflaged himself with the sofa so that it was impossible to spot him. But i already knew he was there. I hit him on the back of his head and told him, "Stop blending in with your surroundings. How do you even do that?"

"You have your powers, I have mine. "

"Philip I have another query. Why is such a beautiful woman with a guy like you?"

"I had the exact same question, Mr Kane."They seemed to enjoy insulting me.

"Again I'm right here. And she's actually a pixie."

I looked at her after saying this and she got the meaning. She transformed back into a pixie and fluttered onto my shoulder. Kane and Neroclius looked like their entire life had been destroyed. Neroclius stuttered and kept asking me how. Kane looked at her and got a sudden nostalgic look on his face. 

"You know it's really weird that there's an elf named Kane. " I proclaimed.

And now we were back to the norm. Both Kane and Neroclius looked at me like i was dumb.

"My actual name is Daminis."

"Oh, That actually makes more sense."

 "How do you have a bounty of 2 Mil on you?" Neroclius asked. If he had meant it in a condescending way it would have been better. But he asked with it genuine curiosity and that made me feel worse.

1042 words

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