Phantom - III

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Percy, exhausted from the battle, fell to the ground. The dwarves rushed to his side, concerned for his well-being. They used their magic to heal his wounds and ease his pain.

Percy slept for two days, unaware of the dwarves' rejoicing and gratitude. When he awoke, he expected to be greeted by hearty cheers and warm embraces. But to his surprise, the dwarves treated him with indifference. Durin, the leader of the dwarves, refused to answer his questions.

Percy, feeling confused and hurt, decided to leave. He gathered his belongings and headed for the exit. But just as he was about to leave, the dwarves surrounded him.

Durin stepped forward, his face filled with remorse. "Percy," he said. "I apologize for our behaviour. We were wrong to treat you with such coldness."

Percy looked at Durin, unsure of what to say.

"We owe you our lives," Durin continued. "You saved us from the raiders, and we are forever grateful. But we were also afraid."

"Afraid of what?" Percy asked.

"Afraid of losing you," Durin said. "We see you as a brother, and we couldn't bear to lose you."

Percy was touched by Durin's words. He realized that the dwarves had only been trying to protect themselves from further pain and loss.

"I understand," Percy said. "And I forgive you."

The dwarves cheered, their voices echoing through the halls of the dwarven kingdom. Durin presented Percy with a sword, its blade shimmering with otherworldly light.

"This sword is called Phantom," Durin said. "It is a gift from the dwarves, a token of our gratitude and our friendship."

Percy accepted the sword, feeling its power coursing through his veins. He knew that he would cherish it forever.

"Thank you," Percy said. "For everything."

Percy stayed with the dwarves for a few more days, celebrating their victory and renewing his friendship with them. But eventually, it was time for him to move on. He had many more adventures to have, and many more people to help.

Percy left and thus the story comes to an end."

"Well, Philip, How did you like this little story of mine?" Aether asked.

As the story unfolded, Philip realized that he had never truly understood the impact that he had had on others. He had always seen his adventures as being about himself, but now he saw that they were about something much bigger. He had helped countless people, and his impact would continue to ripple through the world for generations to come.

Philip felt a deep sense of humility and gratitude. He had never been quite selfish, but his adventures had taught him the true meaning of service. He had learned to put the needs of others before his own, and he had found true fulfilment in doing so.

"I can't retire, " Philip thought. He had seen a vision of one of his most important adventures. The one where he had lost his precious blade - Oni, but gained the goodwill of the dwarves in the form of Phantom. He remembered the exhilaration of all his adventures. The time he appeared in the sky. The time he landed on the Great Wall of China. The time he met the elves. His life had only become interesting after he got his powers three years ago.

Philip decided that he would go on more adventures. The Thought came to him like a gift and the stress he had been carrying vanished away.

"I am not going to stop yet, Aether. Thank you for blessing me with your powers over the last 3 years." Philip said in his mind. 

"But you've had my powers a lot longer than 3 years Philip," Aether replied.

"What do you mean? What do you mean I've had my powers for more than 3 years?" Philip questioned. He was shocked at Aether's words.

Aether remained quiet inside Philip's head but Philip was aware of his presence. Aether had known that Philip would want to stop his adventures after some time and Aether wished to ensure that he kept going. Aether wanted Philip to get stronger.

Aether smirked and spoke slyly, "Not yet. You are not strong enough yet." Aether had known Philip longer than anyone else in his life and he knew what had to be done to make Philip obsessed with adventures. 

"When will I be strong enough then? " Philip cried. He hated weakness more than anything else. Philip hated not being able to get what he wanted. 

"Never. If you give up on your adventures," Aether stated in a sarcastic voice.

"Amazing, Aether. I didn't think you were someone who would joke around." Philip nagged at him.

"Do you really wish to know?" Aether asked Philip. Aether knew that Philip wouldn't be able to resist the challenge.

Philip remained quiet but his emotions leaked through to Aether. 

Thus Aether started to tell Philip what he would need to do.
"One day, If you grow strong enough, you will get the opportunity to go to a realm beyond weaklings. You will be able to reach this place only after you have achieved enough. There are clear objectives you must achieve. And you will face the next one on your adventure."

"Very well then. I will get stronger, just to know the answer."

Aether laughed.

"Perhaps you can after all."

857 words

Note: There will be a hiatus for the next few weeks.

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