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Philip imagined himself back in his home with Joy already there.

When the being snapped, Joy disappeared and landed in some strange land. The people she saw made her believe she was on Earth, but she had not explored much of the planet. She realized that she had never been anywhere except with Philip. 

Joy was still in her pixie form when she materialized in a crowded place. There seemed to be hundreds of people hurrying off in different directions. She was standing on a platform, and there was a massive gap between the one she was in and the one next to it. She looked around and saw that there was something between the two platforms. It looked like a ladder kept on the ground. She flew up to it, and a few onlookers became surprised. 

She fluttered around between the platforms when suddenly a bell rang throughout the platforms. A voice came and Joy did not understand what it was saying. She seemed surprised as the previously chaotic platform became somewhat ordered and people lined up at the end of the platform. 

Joy wondered if there was going to be some sort of a performance that these people were here for. As she thought about what could be happening another bell rang throughout the platform. Suddenly, Joy's intuition lit up. She sensed some great beast coming towards her. She looked in the direction of the ringing and saw a great monster, heading straight for her. 

Its body was made of metal and the monster ran towards her at a great speed. She saw the word Train written on it before the monster moved even closer towards her. She moved out of its path and got ready to attack when a child on the platform yelled out loud, "Choo-Choo!"

Joy realized that the monster was some sort of a god to the humans so she calmed down. The monster stopped dead in its tracks, and the people started walking towards it. There were holes in its side and Joy was surprised at how this magnificent beast was being treated. She saw the people's faces and realized they looked sad. She realized that the monster was probably using the humans as food.

The 'Train' began to move again. Joy knew that if it started going full speed, she would not be able to keep up with it. Just as she was preparing to run after the beast, a weird feeling crept up on the back of her neck. She felt a similar sensation as she had when the being had teleported her into that strange land. What she felt now however was much more familiar.

Before she knew what was happening she teleported away from the strange beast and appeared in Philip's home. 

She looked around and right at that moment, Philip materialised along with Kane a few feet away from her. She felt excited and flew up to go to them but stopped when she saw the girl whose hand Philip was holding. She looked extremely beautiful. The girl seemed to be 24 years old. 

The first thing Joy noticed about the girl was her hair, which flowed gently down from her head and onto her shoulders, reaching all the way down to her waist. Her brunette hair seemed to glow even though it was nothing special.

Her eyes were even more beautiful than her ever-captivating hair. The moss-green eyes seemed to hold a depth that rivalled the deepest oceans. Joy was awestruck by her beauty and began to admire her. She thought about how anyone would immediately fall for her and then looked at Philip.

She imagined Philip falling for that girl and for some reason felt an intense jealousy. 

As Joy tried to calm herself and her thoughts, the girl became excited about being on Earth again. She moved and forgot to let go of Philip's hand. 

Joy's intense jealousy grew exponentially when she saw how pretty the girl was even when she moved. For some reason, that even Joy would not remember later, she summoned her blood blade and attacked the girl.

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