Descent into the Usurped Temple

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The room seemed like somewhere devotees could pray. A podium rested on raised ground. The whole room looked bleak. The walls had broken down with time. Philip sprinted up to the lectern to get a better view of the room. The lectern was the only thing which didn't look a century old. The only weird thing about the lectern seemed to be the slot made into it. It looked like a carving made for a book, except a deeper engraving had been made where the spine was supposed to be. 

The carving seemed as if made for a book with a rose on its spine. Philip tried to think where books could be kept when he remembered the times he visited the church as a child. There was a room like a library where resources and books were kept. 

Philip imagined he could find a book there. He was excited thinking he was closer to finding the clue required to beat the monster he was looking for. Philip was just about to run out of the door when Kane stepped in front of him. Kane seemed to be looking for something.

"Ah, Philip, you're here as well. I was here because I sensed some hidden power in this room. But it appears that there is a secret room. This makes it much more troublesome to get that book."

"Book? What book? Why are you looking for a book Kane?"

"Oh! Why, of course, it's because this kind of power only comes from a book. I thought if there was to be something that led to a discovery, it'd have to be something with a strong magical signature. So I started looking for strong magic."

"I should have done that. Anyway, where according to your expertise could this hidden den be found?"

"There." He said, pointing towards the wall, a little bit towards the right of the pulpit.

Philip decided to try out his new gloves and tried storing a blasting spell inside one of the gems. He was surprised when the spell disappeared but the gem began to glow. He pointed towards the door, excited to see the powers of this glove. He imagined pulling his spell out of the gem and throwing it towards the door. Suddenly, the gem began to twinkle and ripples seemed to come from it. 

The door exploded inwards and the gem stopped glowing. Philip, despite his serious predicament, couldn't control his childlike happiness and laughed out loud. Kane stared at him strangely.

Philip felt ashamed but he couldn't let something like this be an insult to him. 

"What? You're afraid of the ocean. I play around with new powers."

"Wha- Wait. How did you find out that I'm afraid of the ocean?" Kane inquired.

"I just know stuff. That's my speciality, you freakishly powerful elf."

That effectively shut Kane up.

The two made their way towards the door, or hole, that Philip had just blasted open. Philip thought, if the creator of this temple would hide the book anywhere, it'd be here. That was a good theory, but it was foiled by the fact that the room was a library. And it was almost as big as his cabin and lined with floor-to-ceiling shelves, all filled with books. 

Well, this is gonna be a pain. Philip thought to himself. But he had to find the book quickly. He tried to think if he had any gadgets that he could use to find a book, but alas, he didn't have any artefacts that could be used to find what he was looking for. He just had to look through every book. It'd be a very scrutinous and hard task to pull off but for Joy, Philip had to try. For her he would do anythi- "Hey, Philip, I found the book we're looking for."

Well, that ruined the whole speech, Philip thought to himself.

"You did? Open it. See what it says." He exclaimed.

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