Phantom - II

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The adventurer woke up three days later. He opened his eyes to the dim glow of a single torch in the room. The room seemed to be made entirely of dirt and stones. The adventurer had no idea where he was. He looked at himself, realizing he was covered in caked mud. 

The sudden change in scenario had caused him to faint. Before confirming his well-being, his thoughts immediately went to his sword. Raze, the blade he had found on one of his first adventures. It had been with him for almost every adventure he had been on. To him, it was more important than any other weapon he held. 

Just as he started to look for his sword, one of the dirt walls fell as Percy looked up to catch a glimpse of the person who had entered. Much to his surprise, it turned out to be a dwarf. The dwarf was no taller than 3 feet, yet he exuded power and strength. 

Percy had expected the dwarf to talk, but the dwarf just pointed at Percy and then towards the door. He understood the meaning and stood up. The dwarf turned around and started walking. Percy was slowly trying to come up with a plan to escape in case he was attacked.

He was following the dwarf without paying attention to his path. The one thought that crossed his mind while planning was that this world was inhabited by dwarves, a short and stout race of people who were known for their skill in metalworking. Percy was amazed by the dwarves' craftsmanship, and he was eager to learn more about their culture.

Before he knew it, Percy found himself in a large dwarven forge, where dwarves were hammering away at hot metal. He was immediately greeted by a dwarf with a long white beard and a kind face.

"Welcome to the dwarven kingdom," the dwarf said. "My name is Durin, and I am the leader of the dwarves."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Durin," Percy said. "My name is Percy, and I'm an adventurer."

"An adventurer?" Durin asked. "What brings you to our world?"

"I was exploring the forest when I came across a portal," Percy said. "I stepped through the portal, and it brought me here."

Durin nodded. "Dwarves live by a clear code of conduct, and we are receptive to adventurers such as yourself. However, lately, our encampment has been terrorized by a group of villains. Thus, we are not as hospitable as we would like."

Percy was taken aback at the dwarf's words. "I see. I will be on my way as soon as possible. However, I am injured. I request you to allow me to rest for a few days. I will not trouble you." He requested.

Durin replied in a calm voice, "You are welcome to stay, adventurer Percy. However, do not expect that you will be treated kindly. Your kind is most despised among these lands."

Percy bowed down to Durin's kindness. Just as he was about to thank the dwarf leader, a horn rang out throughout the cave. 

Percy saw the colour drain out of Durin's face as the dwarf faced the ground above them. Almost as if on cue, a part of the ceiling burst and 4 humans descended upon flying birds.  Percy had a hard time believing that all of the dwarven species were being held hostage by 4 humans. 

The 4 figures descended to the forges and before anyone had spoken anything, one of them boomed, "Run, all of you. This forge is now ours. We will free it when we do."

Durin was looking at the floor. He seemed as if he had given up all hope but just then one dwarf spoke up. 

"You shall not take our forges and resources yet again, you monsters. " The dwarf had spoken. Durin's eyes were filled with pity. The very next moment, one of the 4 humans slashed their hand. The little dwarf's body began to bleed as he croaked out one single word. 

The one word held more weight than any other that Percy had seen spoken in his life. It brought about a change throughout the forges. Every tiny little dwarf picked up a weapon they had made to take revenge for the action conducted against their own.


Soon Philip was surrounded by mayhem and carnage. The four humans remained expressionless as dwarves began to file around the weaponry. One of them, who appeared to be a girl, moved her hand towards the weaponry and it exploded. 

 The dwarven weapons and armour had been destroyed, leaving the dwarves defenceless.

Percy knew that he had to do something. He couldn't just stand by and watch the dwarves be slaughtered. He reached down and picked up a sword from one of the fallen dwarves. It was a heavy sword, but Percy was strong. He hefted it in his hands and felt a surge of confidence.

Percy charged into battle, his sword raised. The four human attackers were surprised to see him. They had thought that all of the dwarves were dead.

The first attacker, a large man with a battleaxe, swung at Percy. Percy dodged the axe and countered with a slash of his own. The attacker staggered back, surprised by Percy's strength.

The other three attackers rushed Percy. One of them, a woman with a spear, thrust at Percy's chest. Percy parried the spear and kicked the woman in the stomach. She doubled over in pain.

Another attacker, a man with a sword and shield, swung at Percy's head. Percy blocked the blow with his sword and riposted. The attacker's sword went flying out of his hand.

The fourth attacker, a man with a crossbow, raised his weapon and aimed Percy. Percy ducked behind a pile of rubble to avoid the bolt.

Percy knew that he couldn't keep fighting like this forever. He needed to finish the battle quickly. He emerged from behind the rubble and charged at the man with the crossbow.

The man fired his crossbow again, but Percy dodged the bolt. He closed the distance between them and swung his sword at the man's head. The man fell to the ground, dead.

Percy turned to face the other three attackers. The woman with the spear was still recovering from Percy's kick. The man with the sword and shield was looking at his hand in disbelief. The man with the battle axe was the only one who was still standing.

The man with the battle axe raised his axe and charged at Percy. Percy met his charge head-on. The two of them traded blows, blow for blow.

Percy was starting to tire. The sword was heavy, and the battle had been long and exhausting. But he refused to give up. He knew that the dwarves were counting on him.

Percy saw an opening and took it. He lunged forward and thrust his sword into the man's chest. The man fell to the ground, dead.

Percy stood over the man's body, his chest heaving. He had won the battle, but he had paid a heavy price. He was exhausted and wounded. But he was also alive, and the dwarves were safe.

Percy turned to face the dwarves who had gathered around him. They were cheering and clapping. Percy smiled. He had done his job. He had protected the dwarves.

Percy sheathed his sword and walked over to Durin, the leader of the dwarves.

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