This is very troublesome

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The interdimensional market was more like a hub for all travellers. First of all, I should clarify that I had the power to jump dimensions, this didn't mean that no one else could. It's just that no one else has innate power. It usually requires immense power to do so. But the different sentient beings had figured out ways to travel. 

They learned around 3400 years ago that there were certain areas where it was easier to travel into other dimensions. They exploited these places and made special vehicles imbued with powerful magic to create a way for them to travel between these dimensions. The IM was a place that was the easiest to access for someone looking for anything. It was the only hub that allowed anyone to visit.

It lay in the same barren world as the one for the outlaws. It was a part of the one world where anyone could come. I found it when I met a dwarf in a faerie dimension and asked him how he was there. He led me to the Leaping Area and I found the interdimensional market. Joy already seemed to know about this place so i figured it wasn't that big of a deal.

The worst thing about this place after the businessmen was the fact that no matter what powers one had you could only leap into the Leaping Area. But I could leap to another dimension from anywhere, even if it was outside the Leap. I popped there with joy at my side. This place wasn't safe for pixies so I told her, "You should probably transform into a larger humanoid. It won't do you good if you look like a pixie here."

She said she'd take care of it and then fluttered off somewhere. Meanwhile, I went to the place where someone would buy the loot I got. I knew the owner from years of selling and buying stuff from him. I walked around 50 feet from the Leap and then turned right. Then left after another 20 feet. And there stood the best shop for trading in all the dimensions -Beowulf's Barters.

It wasn't like other trading centres. It stood in a prestigious manner, unlike its competitors which were all broken down. Beowulf was a good trader and he never cheated, unlike other businessmen. I pushed open the silver gate and walked through. It was like a whole other world there. As I was walking I saw some faces that I knew and some novices that were just bound to get fooled. I didn't care about them though. 

I walked up to the counter and told the receptionist I needed to go to the 6th floor. The receptionist didn't lie as she did to others because I had been a loyal customer for almost 2 and a half years now. She was an ex-noble of the Homo Hogna species(Humanoid Wolf Spiders). She spoke with a hiss in her voice and said, "Well Philip, back again, huh?"
"Yeah Arachne, A hellhound attacked me and I happened to kill it. Time to trade."

"That's great. It's been so long since you last visited that Beowulf was getting worried that we almost lost our best customer."

I smiled and let out a small laugh and then told her, "Oh, by the way, A girl might show up and ask to go wherever I went. Just send her up ok?"

"Sure, Traveler."

I walked toward the stairs just as they started spinning and then walked up just 1 flight of stairs. It led to the 6th floor. I loved magic.

Beowulf was enjoying himself by fighting Cato, another regular. 

Cato was by no means a weak fighter. He was probably the strongest of everyone here, but even he couldn't stand against Beowulf's powerful strikes. Beowulf had an unfair advantage and that was his Vampire Nature. He might have been a vampire but he was strong enough to control himself and unlike the myths, I had found that vampires could survive very well without blood. They just needed meat and travellers like I who killed beasts fulfilled that need for him.

I interrupted their fight and told Beowulf about the latest loot I got him. He almost forgave me for stopping his fight. 

"By the way, Bewu, do you know any place where I can have the hound hide turned into weapons?"

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