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"Become my Successor."

Hearing Fenton's words, Philip did the only thing that he could do in the situation. He fainted.

As he drifted into a deep slumber, he saw Kane panicking and the God frowning as he saw the extreme reaction to his proposal.


The darkness was bland. That's the only way I could describe it. When I fainted, I saw no visions or nightmares, only empty darkness. I wished I had Kane with me, or Joy or even Aether would do right now. But the voice was silent.

I kept thinking about things but to no avail. I remembered the God's last words before I fell. Why would he want me to become his successor? Why would a god take over another's temple? What exactly was Aether's purpose? Slowly, with my limited knowledge, I figured out some key points.

Aether wasn't the god to whom the palace and temple belonged. Fenton, or the leviathan that was 'plaguing' the temple, was a freaking god. And, at some point in time, mortals and even humans ascended to divinity and Fenton had been their invigilator. The first barrier to ascending to higher levels.

But then why had Aether sent me to fight this God? And even though I could have disagreed, I agreed. I blame Joy for that. Nonetheless, the next time that I spoke to that useless little voice, I'd get all the answers out of him.

But first, I would have to figure out how to do anything in this realm. It had to be some part of my consciousness. I tried to delve deeper but I was immediately met with screams and begging.

The voices sounded familiar. I should have known who it was. Who was screaming? My curiosity got the better of me and I tried to get to the source of the nightmares. 

Slowly, colours started to pop up. They intermixed as I moved and formed images - my memories. I realized with a start that these scenes were from my life. The scenes went back to the age of 6. Everything that had happened to me since I was 6 years old, played through my head.

 I tried seeing before the age of 6, but suddenly I was thrown back. Those memories were blocked for some reason. I decided that if the reaction was so severe, maybe I should refrain from forcing my consciousness. I moved further into the future. 

My life flashed before my eyes. Middle school, all the libraries I had been in, getting interested in coding. All the key moments in my life. And then came the time when I had to leave for college. My parents, their beaming faces, that their son was going away. But why had they never contacted me since then?

I thought about their life after I'd left, and suddenly I could see past my memories and into their life. I saw their life flourishing from the day I left. How they got happy when I sent them my scores.

Then one day, around 4 months after I left, they were sitting at home, when suddenly a man popped into the house. He appeared out of thin air and I could feel his killing intent towards my parents through the memories. Suddenly, his eyes focused on me, and I thought i saw them soften.

"What are you doing here? You aren't strong enough to witness what happens yet. Go back, blood. I'll take care of things here."

He spoke in almost a brotherly tone but I sensed him holding back his anger. But that wasn't possible. No one could be angry at my parents. They were the nicest people one could imagine. 

"You'll know one day, but now isn't the time." His beady black eyes focused in on something behind me as he waved his hands and I was back in my consciousness. It turned black again. I couldn't see anything. Nothing made sense anymore.

Who was that man? Why was he there? I slowly felt the details seeping out of my mind. Soon I wouldn't be able to remember it. I knew that I was forgetting what has happening but I trusted his words. I was going to get the memories when I was strong enough.

For now, I had gained a good ability — looking into my self.

Soon, only darkness was left once more. I waited for hours but I didn't know what was going on. 

"Well look at this. I sent a warrior to clear my temple and he fainted. How useful."

I looked around, almost forgetting that the one speaking was nothing more than a voice.

"Shut up, you bastard. You're nothing but a liar. That temple doesn't belong to you. Why'd you send me to challenge a god?" I tried to control it, but to no avail, as anger seeped into my voice.

"If you wanted me dead, why didn't you do it yourself?" I didn't care about stopping emotions from leaking into my voice as I let out my anger at the voice.

"Why would you send me on a fool's errand? It is all but impossible to kill a god. Especially kill a sea god IN THE BLOODY OCEAN."

He stayed quiet for some more time as I kept rambling about everything he had done. I found myself talking about everything I was angry about. I cursed at Aether for having taken away my powers in this strange land, for setting such limitations on my powers, for taking away Joy. Everything that had gone wrong in my life, I blamed Aether for it. 

He kept listening and never said a word. After I was done, he began to speak.
"Are you done now? Foolish ingrate. I've always helped you. I am what makes you, you. Without me, these powers that you treasure so much, wouldn't even exist.

"And you asked why I sent you to kill a god? I never asked you to kill him, I asked you to bring down the monster that had usurped my temple. Would you have helped me if I had not said it was my temple? You, mortals, take pleasure in pleasing gods, or what you consider gods anyway, that you would never have helped me had you thought I was not a god.

And your speech about me telling you to move the monster overlooked one very important fact. Fenton's old job. He was the first test that one needed to take to become stronger. Has your wish not always been to get stronger? I'm just showing you the correct path"

"Hold your horses, Aether. First of all, why are you still calling him a monster now that I know he's a god?"My anger had calmed down and what he was saying seemed much too important to let myself be clouded by emotions. Information is a great weapon and I wasn't going to let so much of it get away.

Aether gave me a strange look and smirked, "Aether? Is that the name you've given me? Perhaps if you ever become important enough in the Stream you'll learn my true name. And to answer your question," I felt his voice lose all sense of sympathy he had held until now as he continued, "Those so-called Gods that you speak of are by far worse than most monsters you'll meet. Fenton is one of the good ones and even his deeds, or should I say misdeeds would make even a trained assassin's skin crawl with fear."

"If you one day learn of it, perhaps you'll- "He stopped abruptly and i immediately sensed why. Someone was entering my consciousness.

A cruel laugh escaped Aether, reminding me why i was so scared of him, "It's beginning, all the best, Philip. You will need blessings to succeed. Oh! By the way, Joy will be waiting for you at your home."

As soon as he said this, i felt his presence disappear from my consciousness, but i couldn't shake the feeling he was still listening to me. Before i could dwell on it, Fenton's body appeared in my mind, in the form of a memory and suddenly the space around him began to turn blue.

He looked straight into my eyes and i felt vulnerable.

"It's very rude to faint at a proposal. But anyhow I am sure that your mortal mind is wracked with  questions, and I'll gladly answer them all."

Just his presence was making me overwhelmed but this was my mind and I wouldn't let him affect it.

"Very well then, Lord Fenton, let us discuss."

1400 words

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