The little detail of Pixie names

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An Elven Prince who had run from his heritage, it was an infamous story that almost all species capable of speech knew. Whether it had actually happened or it was just a story made by the pixies to spread their rules, I didn't know. However one thing was clear, it was ripe with information about the pixies.

The Elven Prince was destined to become immortal in his subjects' memories and their successors for a thousand years. When he was born, the then-Elf king or his grandfather who was well known for his prophetic prowess had a premonition.
Their city was in ruins, a single warrior stood against the Ancein AlfoDragon, the pristine and ancient mythical creature of Elven Mythology. The warrior bore the symbol of their royal clan and had a sword made from beast blood and a fallen drakon's tusk. A sword of that calibre could destroy even an AA-rank beast. But the Warrior had trouble holding his own against such a fearsome beast. 

The next flash showed the dragon sealed using the technique of their clan, which required the soul of a noble or a royal to be sacrificed, unable to move to the next life.

The King saw his grandson's face in the future as the warrior who sacrificed himself, to seal the dragon who had destroyed their home. 

The Elven prince had heard this story at a very young age. He wasn't a warrior as he was said to be, in fact, he was very scared of death and not being able to move on. This meant that he would die in a way that was already decided. He didn't like it. So he did something which was very cowardly. He ran away. He ran from his city and from the elven world. He travelled for what is said to be years and finally rested in a barren world of outcasts. He was alone there. No one would question him or who he was. 
There as he rested, he met a pixie who was trying to steal his belongings. He had trained for years as the prince of elves and was easily able to capture a measly pixie. As the Prince was deciding what to do with that pixie, he saw that she looked sickly, even for a pixie. 

He proposed they form a party and travel together with the elf hiding her and her stealing the belongings of people who could spare but did not. The pixie jumped at the opportunity but unfortunately, she didn't know if she could pair up with a common elf. The Prince and her had a fight and the prince revealed his true identity. 
And then to show how important it was he asked the pixie her name. The pixies considered their name secret as it was the placeholder and their biggest weakness. 
For any ritual, a person needed a material object from the being on whom it was being performed on. But pixies had overcome this weakness and made it so that no material object removed from them would have their essence on it. The only way to perform a ritual would be their name, given willingly and usable only by the person they told it to.

This was the strongest known magic performed and it was very complex but the 7th pixie queen had figured out a way to complete the magic on every pixie under her control nearing her death and passed on the knowledge to the future pixie queens. The 13th ultimate pixie queen used her magic and made this power an innate skill for every pixie at the cost of her own life. This magic was so powerful that it left an imprint on all pixies that allowed their magic the ability to perform unthinkable feats. But it also made their name a weakness

The Elf prince knew this and yet asked the pixie her true name. 

"Aelin Dryur is my name and I am the descendant of the 13th queen so you better give me some respect." She said getting close to him and trying to appear intimidating.
"You? A descendant of the 13th queen?? Impossible." But even as he said it, he knew he was wrong as it made perfect sense. She was too strong for just royalty and she had no reason to be an outcast for any other reason. 
"Well, I am..."


I didn't remember the rest and I didn't need it. I had just asked her, a pixie, her name. Their name was only given to people that pixies trusted with their lives or their betrothed, usually a Fae or a capable warrior of another clan, not a human. 

I could feel my cheeks lighting up like Rudolph's nose as I realised what i had just asked. I wanted the pixie to trust me with her life, meaning that we were either betrothed or that she was bound to me for as long as we lived. 

As these thoughts raced through my head, my tiny companions spoke up, "Joy Redner. Princess of the strongest clan in the pixie realm and your companion from now unnamed traveller."

"Philip Prince." The words escaped my mouth before I even had time to think about it. I couldn't believe it. I had just formed a bond with a pixie. Our names were connected now. And I just have 30 minutes till i have to start getting ready to go to my job!
I hurried and cleaned up everything. Then got ready and headed to my job.

913 words

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