
379 10 1

TW: death

It was a heated battle. You were fighting alongside Narcissa to win. The intruders were pretty strong but so we're you two.

You two were about to win when Bellatrix Lestrange and Lord Voldemort appeared.


Everyone stopped to battle when Lord Voldemort spoke. The two intruders bowed.

'They were Death Eaters.'

I step in front of Narcissa. She tries to move me but I won't. I won't let anyone hurt my Cissa.

"What are you doing y/n?"

Narcissa asked for behind while squeezing my hand.

"Protecting you."

"Y/n please don't."

"Cissy, sometimes you have to make sacrifices!"

Voldemort talked to his followers.

"Step aside Y/n."

"No! Kill me instead of her!"

"If you want to." He raised his wand and smiled evil. I let go of Cissy's hand and close my eyes.

"Avada Kedava!"

He hits me square in the chest. I fall back into Narcissa's arm. She holds me and cries.

"Y/n don't leave me, please."

"Raise Draco for me."

"Y/n I can't without you."

"You need to." I close my eyes for the final time.

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