sh/ed pt. 2

281 8 1

TW sh scars

"You are beautiful, now take the hoodie off please. There is a little stain on it darling."

"No, d-don't. Please."

"Darling it's okay, Bella and I won't say a thing about your body."

"Can you bring me a hoodie before?"

"Bella, would you be so kind."

Bella went up to their bedroom and picked out a new hoodie for Y/n.

"C'mon Y/n. You don't have to be ashamed of your body."

"No, first let me change into the other hoodie."

"Darling when this stays on your pretty hoodie it will stain. Your hoodie is to pretty for that."

"Okay." Y/n sighed. "But please get out."

"Is there something we don't know?"

"No, I'm just a little embarrassed of my body."

"Cm'on, don't be. Now take the hoodie off please."

Y/n sighed and took her hoodie off and handed it to Narcissa.

"Thank you love." Narcissa smiled and put the hoodie into the washing machine and walked back to y/n. Y/n pulled her knees up to her chest and hides her arms.

"Relax honey." Narcissa pulls y/n closer. "You know y/n you can tell us everything."

"No, everyone has secrets. And I will not tell you because you will be disappointed in me."

"We will never be disappointed in you love. Please just tell me what's wrong."

Y/n sighed and showed Narcissa her arm. Narcissa took a look at y/n's arm. It was full of healed cuts.

"The other arm?"

Y/n showed her other arm. Narcissa took a look at the other arm. Again, full of healed cuts.

"Y/n? Did you do it anywhere else?"

"Yes, my stomach." Y/n lowered her knees. Narcissa looked at y/n's stomach and ran her fingers over the scars. Y/n giggled.

"Stop that tickles!"

"Oh you shouldn't have said that y/n."

"No!" Y/n got up and started running away. Narcissa after her. Y/n ran into Bellatrix when she ran into the Master Bedroom.

"Woah, careful y/n."

"Bella, stop her."

Y/n wanted to run but Bella stopped her.

"No Bella please."

"Thank you Bella. Now will you help me tickle that little beast?"

"For sure." Bella smirked and put the hoodie aside. Narcissa pulled y/n over to the bed and pushed her onto the bed.

"Please can you let me live?"

"No way." Bella jumped onto the bed and started tickling y/n mercilessly. Narcissa joined in. It ended in y/n falling asleep because she was exhausted and Narcissa telling Bella what happened in the bathroom.

Both Sisters agreed that they'd never judge someone about their body and whatever they did to themselves. They just love them.

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