Oh bby

445 11 2

Requested by: Jona-Lea

A/N: little space and mommy kink
TW: blood and injuries

You were out in town with some friends to celebrate one of their birthdays. On the way back home to the Manor you were stopped by two hooded figures. The one grabbed you by your arms to stop you from moving.

The other started punching, kicking and hitting you. The person hit your stomach extremely hard. Before they left you alone the person punched your nose causing it to start bleeding. Then they ran away and left you to yourself.

You get yourself up, shaking and crying. Being scared so badly you slipped into little space.

You limp back to the Manor. You get inside, take off your coat before breaking down.

You can't get yourself to get up. You only want comfort from Narcissa and Bellatrix.

"Mommy!" You whine, calling for Narcissa and Bellatrix.

"Mommy!" You curl up in a ball.

You hear heels coming towards you. They stop right by your side. You feel a hand on your shoulder.

"Baby what's wrong?" You hear Narcissa's soft voice.

"Mommy." You whine and cuddle into her touch.

"Shh, I'm here. What is wrong baby?"


"Look at me please."

You lift your head up and look at her.

"Come, I'll clean your nose up baby."

You nod and cuddle your head into her chest as she carried you up to your bedroom.

"You'll be okay love." She kissed your forehead.



"Up to our room now!!!"


Bella comes up the stairs. Narcissa set you down on the counter by the sink. She takes a towel, wets it a little and gently cleans your nose.

"Cissy what's going on?"

"Someone hurt our little baby."

"Who was it?"

"I have no clue, she hasn't said anything except 'hurt'."

"Hooded people."

"Hooded people hurt you bae?"

You nod. Narcissa and Bellatrix look at each other.

"We'll cuddle with you now, mommy Bella will seek the mean people out and maybe hex them."

You nod and smile a little. Narcissa picks you up and pulls you close. You flinch in pain because she accidentally held you to tight.

"Did I hurt you princess?"


"Your tummy hurts?"

You nod. Both of the sisters eyes fill with sorrow.

"We'll take a look at it in the bed baby."


Narcissa carries you to the bed. You lay down and let them inspect your stomach.

"Oh baby."

"What wrong mommy?"

"Your tummy is a little injured. But mommy will fix it."

"Squeeze my hand bae." Bella took your hand. You squeezed her hand while Narcissa healed your stomach. It hurts a little but not for long.

"Is it still hurting?" Bella asks as she presses your stomach down a little. You shake your head making both sisters sigh in relief.

"Mommy Bella hex them now!" You look at Bella. She nods.

"Of course baby." Bella kissed your forehead and went off to hurt the people who hurt you.

"Mommy cuddle."

"Just a moment baby, you need more comfortable clothes." Narcissa went through your drawers. "That dress is uncomfortable." She found you a comfortable pyjama and walked over to you.

"Pyjama or underwear?"

"Top and shorts."

"Of course." Narcissa changed you into what you wished for.

"Now mommy will put on a pyjama too."



"Without top!"

"Of course princess."

The door opened and Bellatrix came in.

"Mommy killed those mean people for you."

"Thank you." You smile.

"Bella, get your clothes off and some pyjama pants on. Our little baby doesn't like tops today."


"Cuddle now!"

"Yes yes, we are coming." Narcissa chuckled and helped Bella take off her corset. Then she joined you in bed. You lay down on top of her.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy when sky's are grey..." She sings and plays with your hair.

"Sweet dreams bae." Bella kissed you and cuddled with a pillow. Narcissa gently scratches your back.

You all end up asleep.

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