Lucius, the A$$hole

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You and Cissa are in your 6th year and Lucius is in his 7th

It's September first, and you all know what that means. Time for Hogwarts. Well, the train ride was already over and all the 2-7th year students sat at their House Tables. The first years got sorted. After the feast was called off everyone went to their dorms and the Prefects showed the first years the way to their Dorms. Lucius was a prefect, just like Narcissa. I waited in the common room for them to arrive. I glanced up from my book when I heard Voices.

"To bed now. We will show you more of the school tomorrow." Narcissa and Lucius send the first years of to their rooms. I was laying on the couch. My feet, naked on the armrest. I knew that as soon as Narcissa realised that she would come over and tickle me. And so it happen. She tickled my feet, just as I thought.

"Hey!" I giggled.

"You silly asked for it." She pulled me up. I giggled as Lucius let out a discussed sound.

"Is there a problem?" I asked.

"Of course there is! You are in love with me future wife!"

"Who said I'll be your wife?"

"My and your parents."

"Fuck you Lucius!" I hissed as I pulled Narcissa into our dorm room and locked the door behind us.

"I don't want to marry him. Maybe not marry at all." She said sitting down on the bed. I jumped onto the bed and pulled her down.

"Stop thinking about that and cuddle with me!" I complained. She chuckled softly and hugs me tight.

"I love you y/n, and only you."

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