[Flower Husbands Pt. 2]

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weeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love them

WC: 5.2k (holy shit)

Jimmy was up quite early today, which was strange.

Normally, he'd protest getting out of bed, but today he had a reason for being up so early. Scott.

He laughed softly to himself as he slipped his robes on. To think, he was getting up at six in the morning for someone he'd met once. But come on, it was Scott. With his adorable little face and his sparkling blue eyes and his fluffy wings and his cute accent and...

Argh. I need to stop being gross.

He shook himself vigorously, causing a cascade of bubbles to swarm around him. He was about to leave his room when he spotted something glinting in the early morning sun on his dresser. Curiously, he swam towards it with a flick of his tail. It was a necklace, intricately detailed with a tiny golden orca, studded with diamond bubbles. He'd forgotten that he had that, and he picked it up and studied it. It was beautiful, and he wondered if he should bring it to give to Scott. He shook his head after a moment, though. That's a bit too forward. Although...I did kiss him on the cheek...and he kissed me...on the lips... He blushed at the thought that popped into his head; holding Scott there for longer than the second their lips had been connected, Scott's hands drifting to Jimmy's waist, Jimmy holding the back of Scott's neck-

He covered his mouth to cover a squeak.

"NOpE, nope, nopedynope, that never happened," he mumbled, extremely flustered. He left the orca pendant sitting on his dresser and hoped it wouldn't float away by the time he was going to get back. He pushed through the door of his room, into the maze of hallways that led to countless rooms. The shiny floors shone with fragmented shards of sunlight from the surface, and fish drifted in and out of the hallways casually. That was one of Jimmy's favourite things about the Swamp Kingdom; there were no roofs to the hallways, so the swamp creatures could come in and out as they wanted and greet the codpeople who lived in the palace.

He swam up into the open water, up to the spire that led to the surface. He swam through the balcony that led to his parents room and knocked on the heavy marble door. A second later, his mother opened the door. "Oh! Hello Jimmy, you're up early today," she said, sounding surprised. "Good morning, mother," he greeted, sweeping his tail around into a practiced curtsy. "I was wondering if I could go adventuring today? I'd like to add some amethysts to my collection," he lied, the words slipping easily off his tongue. He hated how easy it was for him to lie, but he was practiced in it. Her mother smiled. "Ah, your love for crystals. So inspiring. Well, of course, but be back by supper, please," she said, grinning approvingly at him. Jimmy smiled back, relieved. "Thank you, mother," he replied, bowing again.

He was about to swim away when his mother called him back. "Oh, Jimmy! Would you like Saldris to come with you? I'm sure he'd love to help you find and pick out some crystals-" "Oh, no, no, I'll be fine," Jimmy interrupted in a rush. Saldris was an old codperson who lived in an amethyst pocket near the palace, and he loved to shower Jimmy's mother with crystals and pendants. Now that he thought about it, the orca pendant he'd found his room was probably a gift from Saldris. Although Saldris was wise and kind, Jimmy really needed to go alone. "I'll do fine on my own," he added. "But I'll make sure to show what I find to Saldris afterwards." His mother seemed satisfied with this. "Alright then, dear. You'd better get going. Bye then!" Jimmy waved and replied with, "Goodbye, mother!"

He swam away, letting out a breath of relief. His plan had worked, and now all that was left to do was to see Scott. His heart leapt in happiness as he swam quickly towards the light. His face broke the still surface of the water, the colder air startling him. He pulled himself out of the water and onto the shore, attempting to shake himself dry. He then set off towards the spot where him and Scott had crossed paths yesterday, on the crest of a small pond.

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