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Jeon Jung kook

I quickly ran back to my house to save my friend from them, there when I entered my house they were all beating my friend and my friend was trying to stop them, when I saw that I went and fought with them and grabbed my friend's hand and we ran out of my house.

We both tried hard to escape but at some point we both couldn't run so they started beating us both and we tried to fight them but we couldn't do anything to them as they were all stronger than us. So they were all beating us both.

At that time someone took a gun and aimed to shoot hoseok, but before he could shoot, Jimin came fast and stopped him and started beating him, then Tae came behind him, after seeing that, why did he come here to help us now, if he is stuck with them now, surely we can't do anything else, so I wanted to quickly go to his side to tell him to get out of here, but by then hoseok told him to get out of here.

But tae didn't leave here, he saw the people who came to fight with us and said to leave them, on hearing that they immediately picked up the phone and called someone. I signaled to Hoseok through my eyes to take Tae from here to the car, Hoseok immediately grabbed Tae's hand and quickly took him to the car. Then me and jimin quickly pushed them away and ran to the car and sat in the car.

Seeing the wound on hoseok's hand, tae panicked and was cleaning his wound, when I saw it, my lisa came to my mind, if she was with me at this time, she must have looked at me with concern, now I was saddened that there was no one who looked at me like that, and I sat quietly on the seat with my eyes closed.

Jimin was driving the car, suddenly I felt someone grab my hand and saw my injury, thinking it must be Jimin, I immediately pushed his hand away.

I felt him grab my hand again and immediately I pushed his hand away again because in my current state of mind I didn't need his attention. 

Then hoseok said to me "Now we all go to jimin's parents house, there will be a safe place for us to go. Because we can't go to my house and then we can't go to your house either, so now the only place for us to stay is jimin parent's house."

To that I closed my eyes and told him ok, then after a long time of travel, jimin stopped the car in front of an old house, he told all of us that "this is my parents house", when we all got out of the car, jimin's father and mother and his daughter all welcomed us happily.

Then jimin showed me a room and said you stay in this room, next he looked at tae and said you stay in our room with us, next he looked at jin and said you stay in my daughter's room, when i heard that i got really angry and i glared at jimin and he looked at me mockingly as if he had defeated me.

At that time, jimin's daughter asked them, how to call jin.

"In a few days he will be your step brother anyway, so you call him brother", I mumbled softly as if only Jimin could hear what I was saying.

Hearing that, jimin angrily yelled at me, shut up jungkook, so from there everyone asked jimin what's wrong, to which he spoke to everyone in a way to deal with it, "Because Jungkook was hurt, I told him to go immediately, freshen up in his room and put ointment on the wound, but he said he couldn't, so I yelled like that".

Hearing that his parents immediately told me jimin is right you should put medicine on your wound first and asked me to go so I went inside the room without saying anything to them.

In the bathroom of that room, they had already taken the towel and dress ready, so when I was there after taking a bath, I changed the dress and opened the door, Jin was sitting on the bed in that room.

When he saw me, he slowly got up and looked at my injured area, then he took the ointment in his hand and started applying the ointment to my wounds. 

At that time when he was holding my hands and applying ointment, then in my mind I knew that it was Jin who held my hand in the car and tried to see my injuries, so I immediately asked him "if you were the one who held my hand in the car", he nodded as if yes to that.

When I heard that, I was very happy because I still have someone in my life. 

Tears fell from his eyes while he was dressing my wounds, and I realized that he still had affection for me in his heart.

Then I gently held his chin with my hand, and made him look at me and asked him, "why are you crying?", to which he showed my wounds with his hand.

Then I immediately wiped the tears from his eyes with my hands, and said to him, "These are all minor injuries and I am not in any pain." 

On hearing that, he gave me medicine for my wounds without giving me any reply. 

Then, as soon as he finished applying the medicine to my wounds, when he was about to leave the room, I held his hand and locked the door of the room.

As I locked the door I could see the fear in his eyes and immediately I asked him "I feel faint will you sleep with me,jin baby?". 

Even though he nodded his head as if it was ok, his eyes still showed the fear of me locked the door, I immediately left the door open, I went to the bed and lay down first, then I signaled to him to lie on my side. Immediately he also came and lay beside me.

Then I immediately pulled him close to hugged him and then after a while I felt jin start to sleep and then I fell asleep too. Suddenly it was as if someone knocked me awake, so when I opened my eyes, tae was standing in front of me staring at me.

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