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𝗛𝗘𝗥 footsteps violently pounded down the stairs before she threw the door open with great force. Sweat rolled down her cheek as she wheezed at the short spur of exercise. "Mom! Where's Momohiki?!" her cries carried out through the house.

"...Huh?" her mother's gaze flitted over to the air conditioner high up on the wall, her finger raising to point, "Hm, he's right over there." she finished by inhaling yet another piece of takoyaki.

Anzu, the girl in question, hurriedly looked over, yelling in surprise. "Why the heck is he up there?!" The girl ran over, tears streaming down her face as she bounced on the pads of her feet; arms raised. "Momohiki! Please, please, please, show me your cute face!"

The cat remained turned away as the girl tried luring it down with kissy sounds.

"I'm home!" a deeper voice called out, the front door clicking shut afterward.

"Huh?" the mother's comment drawled out shortly. "Oh, you're home early." the woman stood, greeting her husband.

"Yeah. I know this is sudden..." her father trailed off as his daughter continued crying out for her cat. "But it was decided that I'd be transferred to the U.S."



The two females had varied reactions.

"And I want you to come with me." the man uttered, the statement directed to the wife.

The woman raised her hands to rest on her face in a dainty manner. "It's always been a dream of mine to live overseas!"

Anzu quickly scurried over, directing her attention away from the cat. "Wait! What about me?!"

Her mother squinted slightly before informing her, "Anzu, honey, you have school."

"It'll only be two or three years." her father chimed in. Anzu made a small sound of distress, the man continuing "You should be able to hold down the fort by now. We'll take Momohiki with us too." The mother hummed in agreement.

The man then sighed. "However, because I know you'll get lonely, I asked one of my coworkers to allow the child she's fostering to stay here since their living arrangements are... uh.... Undesirable at the moment. So you'll have a roommate." he cheered.

Anzu's world was crushed.

Stupid wizards.

Was this new roomie going to be the first love interest or something?!

"W-Wait! Things are happening too fast!" the redheaded girl whined.

Also, wasn't her dad supposed to be a post office employee or something??

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