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 	A small child knelt over, holding their chest in an attempt to soothe their aching heart, tears running down their face as they let out strangled sobs

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A small child knelt over, holding their chest in an attempt to soothe their aching heart, tears running down their face as they let out strangled sobs. They clenched the bloodied grass beneath them with their right hand, refusing to look up in fear of seeing the gruesome scene again. 'They can't be gone. No no no no no. They did nothing to deserve this! Why?! Why them?!' The child's mind swirled with anguished questions and inquiries.

Who would do something so cruel? This had to be some horrible joke! They had really hoped this wasn't reality, unfortunately it was. While in the midst of processing the situation at hand, the nine year old hadn't noticed someone walking up behind them. That is, until the person spoke.

"Oh my, how horrible! Who could've done such a thing?" they feigned sympathy, their hand covering their mouth. "Are you alright little one?"

The child's eyes went wide, startled. They swiveiled 'round to face the stranger, only to be met with a man near the height of six feet, longer silver hair, and shining, colorful eyes. The man's pitying expression grew into a blank smile as he faced them, "Do you want to come with me, since your family is dead now? I can tell you who killed them." he had offered insensitively.

This man could offer a place of shelter and tell them who killed their family? Hesitantly reaching for the man's outstretched hand, the child stood. "...I'm (y/n)..." they'd croaked, their voice groggy from their cries, unaware of the man's deceptive and manipulative nature.

The man led them away from the scene, talking about how he'd care for them and train them to kill their family's killer. "Demons are horrible creatures that can't go into the sun! They prey on humans at night." he'd stated matter of factly, ignoring the child's disturbed expression. "They killed your family and I can teach you how to kill them. I'll make you my disciple."

It was clear this man expected the child to let go of their family's murder quickly, talking about it as if it were an everyday thing. Something about him highly disturbed (y/n), their hair standing on end. However, since he was taking them in and showing them kindness, they decided to bury their anguish for a while, and to brush off their gut's warnings.

"Oh, and (y/n)-chan." Douma had called out after bidding you a goodbye for your final selection. You turned to face him, a small empty smile etched into your face.

"Yes sensei?"

"I killed your family, not some lowly scum of a demon. Your mother and sisters were quite delicious. I'm an uppermoon. Do with this information as you please." he'd hummed, walking the other direction.

Your stomach dropped, this had to be a joke. Pacing after him while containing your growing rage, you shot out your list of questions. "Then what was the point of training me?!"

"I was bored. You're a mere toy to me and I figured if I trained you, then I'd get a good fight out of it." the silvernette bluntly answered, tears welling up in your eyes.

"Why not just kill me along with the rest of them?!" you'd croaked.

"I just answered that, for entertainment." he began walking faster. "I trained you to be the level of a hashira, now shoo, go and do as you please. You're not ready to fight me yet."

"How many others have you done this to?!" you screamed after him.

"Just you." Those were his last words before he left your sight. Your feelings of disbelief, anger, betrayal, anguish all mixed together, overwhelming you as you fell to your knees. You were so stupid.

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