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You clung to the side of the ship, sobbing as Luffy nonchalantly held you by the collar of your shirt, his remaining hand cupping his chin as he thought

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You clung to the side of the ship, sobbing as Luffy nonchalantly held you by the collar of your shirt, his remaining hand cupping his chin as he thought. "Ah, the weather's pretty nice today, shame we ran into an issue like this!" he'd laughed cheerfully.

You looked at him with an expression akin to horror. "I said we shouldn't have gone this way! We're gonna die-!!" you wailed. A giant whirlpool pulled yours and Luffy's boat near itself as Luffy remained calm.

"What a huge whirlpool, how careless of me." Luffy's brows furrowed. He'd dragged you into this. The male glanced around. "There's nobody around either. It'll be really bad if this boat wrecks. And on top of that, neither of us can swim."

"Luffy, I could ju-" he unknowingly cut you off.

"Ah! Wait a minute!" he slammed his first into his palm as if signifying he had an idea. "It doesn't matter if we can swim or not in a situation like this!"

"Luffy-" you were too late, water pulling the boat under along with you and the boy. At the last moment, you felt arms snap around your waist, harshly pulling you to the side before everything went black.

~time skip~

You awoke to being spun in continuous circles, your surroundings dark as snores were heard coming from behind you. Your back was warm as if Shiruku was cuddling you like she used to do when you two were little. A muffled voice cuts off your train of thought, "What?! You're saying that barrel of sake washed up on shore, Coby?!"

"Ye...Yes. There uhm. There seems to be something inside of it. What should we do with it-?" a voice had timidly responded.

"Great, let's all drink!"

"But if the captain finds out-!!"

"She won't find out."

The conversation continued, the person behind you shifting. "Luffy-?!" you'd whispered, his hat tickling your neck as he glanced around tiredly.

"Hm-? Where are we-?" he quietly mumbled.

You deadpanned, forcibly tugging his arms away from you. He whined at the lack of contact before attempting to sit up, only for him to hit his head on the wall of the barrel you two remained in. "Ow-"

He frustratedly punched through the top of the container, standing as he stretched. "AH! THAT WAS A NICE NAP!!" He'd bellowed.

"What the hell-?!"

"Looks like we're saved, I thought we were gonna die. Hahahaha!!" he laughed gleefully as you stood up too, rolling your neck to relieve the stiffness. Everything went quiet as Luffy noticed the people you'd heard a moment before.

"Huh?" the boy observed the men before cluelessly questioning, "Who are you?"

Three of them leaned forward, screeching at the ravenette. Your gaze wandered over to a short pink haired boy who sat in the corner nearly sobbing. "Stop slacking off!!" a loud voice had demanded, a weapon of sorts crashing through the wall. Everyone there was sent flying.

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