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"I don't quite understand. Why are you crying?" they questioned, their head tilted.

"Y-You monster! Y-You killed her!! You killed my wife!!" the man bellowed.

The other merely hummed. "So, it causes you pain to see another human die... I see."

"W-What? What the hell are you?! Wh-" the sound of skin ripping echoed before silence rang through the space.

"My, you were loud." their gaze wandered, their expression blank. "This is interesting. A human, crying due to loss of companionship. Perhaps I should look into this some more, seeing as master never informed me of such things."

They shifted their weight to the side, humming slightly. "Perhaps a more human-like appearance would serve better to further explore this discovery." they inquired, their stature rapidly changing. They grunted, their fangs flattening as their slit pupils rounded, their skin gaining more color.

"That was rather unpleasant." they muttered, tiredly blinking. "I would lack less energy after a transformation such as this if I'd begun eating people. Why haven't I yet? These questions will have to wait I suppose."

They sauntered away from the bloodied scene, their mind filled with questions. Why did that human care that they'd killed his proclaimed wife? Strange. Though they'd soon find out the reasoning to such reactions.

They paused. When did they start to care? Humans were mere insects, that's what Kibutsuji claimed. Though their master said that humans deserved paradise. Such contradiction.


"What's a youngling like you doing out here in the cold?" an elderly woman had questioned, sliding open the shoji to her home. They stood before her, blankly returning her curious gaze. "There's not something quite right about you, child."

To the woman, this stranger's eyes were dead, empty, emotionless. She pitied them. "Here, come inside. I'll make you some hot tea." she'd offered.

"...Why would you offer such things to a stranger who could very well be a killer?" they'd questioned, parting their lips.

The woman smiled in mirth. "You remind me of my daughter, alone and empty. What's your name, young one?"

The demon disguised as a human hummed in thought. "My name... My name is (y/n) I suppose."

"Well... it's nice to meet you (y/n), dear."


You sat atop a building, expression blank. "Four demons, three identical. The fourth demon has broken from control. Three humans. One, a trained demon killer. Two, civilians, one unconscious. Intriguing." you observed, adjusting your kimono. "Their emotions seem to vary, the strongest being the single demon slayer and rogue demon."

How ironic. Your sensory abilities being based on emotions yet you lacked the ability to understand. Was that the price to pay? How stupid. Morality and sympathy was and would always be the most difficult concept to understand.

Emotions were a diverse, complicated subject in which you lacked the ability to understand. Curiosity seemed to be the only thing you could somewhat grasp. 

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