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≡;- ꒰ °In which an idiot whom refers to themselves as (y/n), is unfortunate enough to catch the attention of Monkey .D. Luffy. ꒱


┊ ➶ 。˚ Various! One Piece x Gender Neutral ! Reader °

┊ ➶ 。˚ Written by @Zero-kunn °

@All Rights Reserved

@All Rights Reserved

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Life was boring and tedious, dragging on and on. You hated it. You wanted life to be interesting. You wanted your monotone colored life to alight in bright colors, the world to give you excitement. That's why you clung to Shiruku. To you, she was a goddess despite her pirate heritage. She sought out adventure daily, she had a strong heart and her smile spurred butterflies to flutter in your stomach. You truly and honestly loved her. Didn't you?

You chewed on your lower lip, looking into the harbor that laid out before you as Shiruku, standing beside you, eavesdropped on the villagers screams of panic.

"It's Crescent Moon Gyari!!"


"There's no mistake. Tat Jolly roger..."

"It's Crescent Moon Gyari's ship!!"

"It's heading towards this village!!"

"He's a scoundrel whose name is becoming well known recently."

"What do we do, headman?!"

"This is a small village. If this is their aim, I believe handing over our valuables is the safest option....but-!"

"But...Handing over our goods to protect the village-"

"-Is just repeating history! It's unbearable to have to keep giving up our money!"

"But opposing them is too reckless..."

"What if we give them (y/n)-?"

You felt Shiruku tense from beside you. She suddenly gripped your wrist, tugging you into their sight, a scowl etched into her petite features. "Seriously?! We should fight! I'm not letting you give (y/n) to the pirates! They're too valuable!" She'd scolded, glaring. "And they're not an object!"

You smiled shyly, glancing at your intertwined hands. She was so kind. You really loved her. Then you froze, finally registering that the village was contemplating on handing you over to the pirates. "....What-?" your voice had come out harsh and dead as usual, causing the villagers to flinch back.

You frowned, your gaze downcast. You hadn't meant to scare them, though it only made sense when you'd [redacted]. You sighed, hesitantly retracting from Shiruku's warmth and sauntering away.

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