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It was a beautiful Tuesday as you strolled into your high school, your hearing tuned to eavesdrop on any information possibly spilled about some guy your friend had informed you of. It was important that you harassed- No, talked to him.

You scowled, the strap of your bag clasped under the palm of your hand tightly. You stomped down the halls, seething. Your grades were all now c's and lower, the teachers threatening to hold you back a year.

"Yo, Dude, calm the hell down. You look like you're 'bouta turn to the option of mass genocide-" your friend wearily advised, yelping when you suddenly swung your bag at his face, the boy just barely dodging.

"Shut up, Brazen! I'm getting threats from the teachers because you refuse to help me study!" you huffed, the boy scoffing in rebuttal.

"By 'study' you mean cheat. I'm not doing double the amount of work just so you can pass high school." the red-haired male crossed his arms over his chest, sending you a playful glare.

You gasped, dramatically clutching your chest as you stumbled backward, your mood taking a quick turn. "How could you?!" Tears filled your eyes as your vision felt strained. Fake crying was difficult-

The boy beside you wheezed. "(N/n), I'm not gonna cheat for you but I've heard rumors about someone who will." his silver optics carefully scanned his surroundings before continuing. "I don't remember what they said his name was. But they say if you pay him, he'll basically do your school work for you and stuff."

You groaned in exasperation, "Brazen, I'm literally broke, I can't afford that."


"-Yeah! He really said that! He's lucky I'm not snitching to the teachers about his schoolwork cheating system thingy! I don't like him anymore! My eyes are on someone else now." Your eyes widened slightly upon hearing one of the more popular girls practically scream those words. This was your chance.

You really didn't care about whoever this new person that she liked was; however perhaps if you found out, it could be used as blackmail material. Whatever.

You gently placed your hand on her shoulder, aiming to gain her attention. Her muted pink hair rolled over her shoulders as she turned to look at you, her pupils shrinking ever so slightly, her face painted light red.

"Hello, I heard you were talking about a guy who does other people's schoolwork. Do you know where I can find him?" you inquired, an underlying threat laced between your words. You had a... reputation of sorts. One you found to be annoying no matter how accurate it may have been.

"...Why do you wanna know? Are you planning on scamming him or something?" she rebutted, sweat rolling down the side of her face, her face flushed; your appetures shifted into a harsh glare, your grip on her shoulder tightening. She regretted saying that.

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