A Day in Luna's Life.

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Author's note: My friend told me to write a day in Luna's Life plus I think it might be best story wise. Hope you like it and Luna.

Luna's POV

As usual I wake up to the sound of a knock on my bedroom door followed by "Luna wake up it's time for school" my mother always wants me to be enthusiastic about school but there's really no point, she tries to get to know me but I just go to my room because I hate touchy feely talks but she's damn persistent, annoyingly persistent. "LUNA GET UP OR YOU'LL BE LATE, DON'T MAKE ME COME IN THERE!" I leapt out of bed and slammed myself against the door as she tried to open it. "I'M UP, I'M UP, DON'T YOU DARE COME IN!" Ouch I think that'll leave a mark."Then get ready for school." I waited to hear her footsteps walk down stairs, then bolted to get changed. I got out of my PJs which was just an over sized striped T-shirt and got dressed into my usual grey star tank top, denim jeans, denim jacket, warn out sneakers, denim cap and black sunglasses, not forgetting to hide my tail. I checkedmy clock and noticed that I was late. " NOT AGAIN!" I grabbed my bag before running down the stairs but when I say running I mean falling. "LUNA, you okay?" I looked up to see my mother about to eat her toast and looking down at me worriedly. I jumped up stole her toast and without as much as a goodbye ran out the door.

I used my powers to combine the constellations to create my skateboard and hoped it will get me to school faster.

I arrived at school with two minutes left probably and ran inside. The cleaner yelled at me for running on wet floor but I didn't have time to be lectured and slipped and fell into my classroom. I can hear a chorus of laughter. " You're late." I give the teacher a baffled look." I'm not, the bell hasn't gone yet!" The teacher rolls their eyes at me, really and people call me childish. I slowly try to get up when. "I'M NOT LATE, I'M NOT LATE!" The person trips on me and squashes me, another chorus of laughter. " ALL RIGHT WHOSE THE WISE GUY WHO'S SQUASHING ME!" I was resisting the urge to growl. " ENOUGH, class calm down, now Luna, Midnight get in your seats." Of coarse it was Midnight, The one person who can be as late as me. The annoying ring of the bell snapped me back to reality, Midnight and I went to our seats. " I guess you girls weren't late, and Midnight for the thousandth time wear shoes." She won't though Midnight's like me won't take off her hoodie, sunglasses and won't wear shoes, well by that I mean we won't let people boss us around. Class was boring, didn't pay attention. Then came lunch, the time were everyone else tries to insult, pick on, annoy (whatever you want to call it) myself and Midnight. Oh joy let the torture begin.

Midnight and I sat on the grass under the shade of a tree sharing my left over lasagne. It was half finished when the school mean/popular girl Helena started to walk over to us. " A free ice cream says she's coming over here to complain." We always bet on what people are going to do when they see us. " Oh you're on, you're on." Helena stopped an inch away from our lunch looking down at us trying to intimidate us, like she could intimidate us. Midnight was giving her her usual gloomy, depressed look. "Hey Hel." Midnight said not breaking eye contact with Helena. "IT'S HELENA, anyway let's cut to the chase I finished my lunch but I'm still hungry and you two were the first people I saw who had food so gimme it." Midnight and I looked at each other then she finished her mouthful then picked up another piece of lasagne and pointed it at Helena. " Uh, no Luna wouldn't even eat that!" Helena said looking disgusted at Midnight. "Watch me!" Taking the fork from Midnight and eating the piece of lasagne, then smiled smugly at Helena. Helena disgusted walked away quite quickly. "Luna, guess what you're buying me ice cream." Midnight looked at me smugly prepared to make her order, then a thought struck. "WAIT, we never shook on it did we?" Midnight lied down on the grass and covered her face. "How's my gloomy friend doing?" I asked while tilting my head. "Nothing, just thinking of the inevitable." Midnight sighed. Oh great just great that means she's thinking about death, how cheery. Not. "Hey Luna you paying, attention the bell went." Midnight said waving her hand in front of my face like a child. "Yeah lets go otherwise the teacher will kill us, if they're not late themselves." I chuckled. We ran to class hand in hand in case one of us fell over again.

The teacher was late so students just walked around the class and annoyed each other, especially Midnight and myself who were sitting next to each other. One of the idiotic boys who I didn't bother to remember the name of walked up to us and started to make perverted jokes, then I snapped. I got up out of my seat walked up to him with Midnight following me and punched him in the face, he fell into a chair but got back up. I think he tried to threaten me but before he could Midnight spun around in front of him and hit him in the jaw with the heel of her foot. The rest of class wasn't that exciting, people murmured about the incident and said we should go to jail but besides that it was uneventful. When the bell rang everyone crowded out of school with Midnight and myself trailing behind. "Well see you tomorrow Lunatic." Midnight said before running across the damp road into the forest. "Hey maybe the Shadow Queen could wear a pair of shoes!" I yelled to her. She smiled and waved before disappearing into the golden orange forest.

I rode my skateboard home making sure not to trip over every freaking pothole, and ended up in a hedge.

I walked up the stairs not bothering to talk to my mother went into my room and collapsed onto my bed. My life is chaos.

So that's a day in Luna's life. It's hectic as anything. Next chapter will be Midnight's bio.

BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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