Four foxes and a wolf.

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Author's Note: The characters do have a bit of untold pasts which will unravel as the plot thickens. You will meet four and a half characters to make nine. We will meet the person who contacted Luna but some of them are a little bit different. Hope you enjoy.

Sandy POV

Ben and myself creep towards our friends Beth and Fennec trying not to make to much noise. We see them sitting against a tree, eyes closed with earphones and headphones on sleeping I think. "I know what you two are going to do and it won't end well for any of us." Ben and I practically jumped and turned to Blizzard with a blank expression. "Come on we never have any fun." Ben and myself had to look up a bit, we were only at chest height, Beth and Fennec were an inch smaller than us but all four of us were below average height. "Fine you two but don't expect me to save you two when they try to poison you then bury you alive." Blizzard lied down under a tree to rest. Blizzard acts a bit like a parent and a leader who we look up to but never listen to. We checked to see if Beth and Fennec had woken and luckily they hadn't. Ben and I were right in front of them and about to scare them when they opened their coal black eyes. Ben and I looked into eachothers coal black eyes and decided the best coarse of action. "RUN!!" We said to eachother and bolted towards Blizzard hopeing he would protect us with Beth and Fennec in hot pursuit. Blizzard we could see was shakeing his head with a slight smile, we hide behind him knowing only are huge ears poked out.  I felt pressure on my body and noticed my entire body was encased in sand. I looked over at Ben who was wrapped up in vines and bandages, our powers weren't strong enough to over power the girls even if we controlled the same things and all four of us were foxes. Blizzard stepped aside to reveal an angry Beth and Fennec, now with their headphones around their necks, their glasses made there eyes even more huge even if their glasses fit their eyes perfectly. "We're sorry." Ben and myself muttered, they smiled and we were released, the sand went back into Fennec's sachtuel that hung around her neck while the bandages wrapped back around Beth's forarms and the vines went back to the forest. "What are we going to do with you two?"

We all walked back to the tree and crowded around Beth and Fennec who were looking for others of our kind on their laptops. "Hey I found one." Beth and Fennec said in unison. "Can you contact either of them?" Blizzard asked sitting in the tree. "Mine you can." Fennec said it while Beth shook her head. "Already contacting her and we'll go to there locations." Fennec said. "They live close together, actually in the same town." Wow what luck two more of us and they live in the same town. "Boys we'll start traveling there tomorrow, so you better rest up." Beth said making eye contact with all of us seeing if we understood. We all did of coarse. As we lay down trying to sleep I thought about the past. Ben and I have known eachother for as long as we can remember. We met Beth and Fennec by accidently tripping them into an oasis and we've been traveling together ever since. We found Blizzard asleep and woke him up, at first he was shocked and surprized then he calmed down and he was a cool guy literally he controls ice. I smiled at the memories and drifted off to sleep.

Author's Note: That was most of the other characters only one more left who will they be? What will they be like? Next chapter will be Beth and Fennec's bios.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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