A place to call home...well kind of.

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Author's Note: These chapters are tricky so it may take a while.

Fennec POV

"I guess Beth and I could look for a place to stay." I said to the group, while pulling out my laptop and searching for suitable place to live. "There's an abandoned house not that far away from us." Beth said, the light of her laptop shining out of the corner of my eye. "I don't think that is a good idea." Midnight said looking at the ground, avoiding our eye contact. "Why?" Sandy asked her waiting for her to look up. "That's...my...house." Midnight answered awkwardly kicking up some dust. "And why can't we stay there?" I asked waiting for her to raise her head. "It's an absolute death trap." Midnight said finally raising her head slowly. "Okay so no death traps but no one must know the house or any of us exists." Beth said looking at everyone nod, even Totem slightly nodded. "Does an old 'haunted' mansion that is off limits that no one goes near sound good?" I asked and everyone just wordlessly nodded which made me smile. "Great find. Now let's head there." Beth said giving me a hug before we started getting everyone to start moving.

We all walked inside the old mansion then heard a loud thud. "I'm sick of all the freaking walking." Ben and Sandy shouted as I turned to see them colapsed on the ground just as Darkus and Lupus colapsed as well. "Wow. You need to exersise more." Luna said kneeling down next to the boys. "Well we-" "We are a few people short....no pun intended." Darkus said cutting off Lupus. I took a moment to notice Midnight and Totem were gone.  "Let's check this place out." I said trying to change the subject. "While trying to find the others." Blizzard added which suprised me, he hadn't talked for ages. The boys went in one group and the rest of us girls went in another.

We roamed the halls, everything was covered in dust and I mean EVERYTHING! We walked into the kitchen then Luna fell onto Midnight who materialized out of nowhere. "Luna, if you say this is karma I will eat you alive." Midnight growled pushing Luna off of her. Beth and I offered to help them up but they just pushed our hands away. "Well now we just need to find Totem." I said reminding them we were missing our leader. "Yeah and make sure the boys haven't killed themselves." Luna added, checking to see if anything was in the fridge. We managed to pull Luna away from the fridge and resumed our search for Totem.

We heard a crashing noise. "AAAAHHHH!" voices yelled like little girls. We all looked at eachother with knowing expressions. "The boys." We said in unison before running to find them. Luna and Midnight were faster than Beth and I but we managed to keep up, we turned a corner and crashed into Blizzard just before falling down a flight of stairs. It took me a second to focus than I noticed we had landed on the boys. "Sorry guys." All of us girls answered while crawling off of the boys slowly. I colapsed onto concrete and stood up shakily we looked over at the boys to see them passed out. I think? We walked over to the boys and started shaking them awake but Luna and Midnight had other plans, Midnight slapped Darkus in the face while Luna stomped on Lupus' stomach. They jolted up with a yelp of pain making all the other boys sit up probably in fear. Darkus was clutching the side of his face while Lupus was holding his stomach. "You could've been a bit more gentle." I said lightly not wanting them to turn on me. They just rolled their eyes and walked back up the stairs with all of us in tow. "We still have to find Totem." I said reminding everyone that she was STILL missing.

We all after a while gave up and cleaned the house which took all day, we walked outside to say whether we were going to stay here or not and we decided we would stay here but just as we were going to split up. "You've decided then." A voice said, we looked up to see Totem on the roof with a book and pencil in hand. "You've been up there the whole time haven't you?" Blizzard said with a smile. Well Blizzard's talking a bit more now atleast. Totem nodded and elegantly jumped down in front of us still expressionless. Totem, Blizzard, Ben, Sandy, Beth and myself desided to stay the night in our new home but Midnight and Darkus said they would stay in the abandonded house while Luna and Lupus said they would stay at her house. We all found our own rooms and laid down under my covers for sleep and just had one thought in my mind. What adventures await us tomorrow?

Author's Note: FINALLY another chapter, I'm not sure what I'll do next and sorry for rushed endings.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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