You're an idiot but I think I love you.

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Author's Note: I still have writer's block, even with the title. I have trouble reading comments if I don't know who you are so possibly on my profile tell me if you commented here's the story anyway.

Lupus POV

"Hey, how's my favourite clutz?" I asked Luna who was sitting on a swing in the abandoned playground. "HEY, you're the stalker!" Luna barked back. She was hiding her wolf features while I just hid my tail thinking if people see me from a distance they'll think I just have spikey hair. "I'M NOT A STALKER!" I yelled at her.What I'm not. "Anyway you didn't deny being a clutz." Luna went red and got up from the swing and ran towards me. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" I just ducked her punch and ran towards the swing. I jumped the swing and continued running until I heard a yelp. I turn around to see Luna lying on the ground with her feet tangled in the swing. I walked over to her and untangled her feet. She looked helpless, but I felt helpless wasn't the right word. "Hey, you okay?" I asked helping her up. "Yeah." She murmered with a sniffle just audible. I hated seeing her sad and she had such a proud and powerful look. "I hate life." She murmered sitting on the ground and hugging her knees to her chest, she started to tear up. It tore me apart to see her like that. I knelt next to her. "Hey, Loon you could punch me if you want." She raised her hand in a fist and gently tapped my cheek, I dramatically fell backwards on to the ground then sat up with a smile. She laughed then gave me a crushing hug. "Thank you." She whispered. I didn't want this moment to end but she started to crush me. "Ribs...cracking." She let go with a big smile. "I wondered how long it would take before I was begining to crush you." She said still smiling her goofy smile. "Come on stalker I'll buy you a sandwich." She said walking away. "HEY' I'M NOT A STALKER!" I yelled while running after her.

I was in an alley with my arms covering my wolf ears and where my ears should be while Luna went off to get some food. I sat with back against the wall looking at the ground. I heard footsteps walking towards me, I look up expecting to see Luna but it was just a guy who looked like he was looking for trouble and found me. This is going to end badly. For me. He kicked me in the stomach, I kept my arms where they were reluctantly. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I asked pushing myself so I stood up, it looked like he was much taller and older than me. He just smiled and punched me in the face, I toppled to the ground, I closed my eyes and started to whimper waiting for the next hit. I heard the sound of being hit but felt nothing, I opened my eyes to see the man falling to the ground. I turned to see Luna letting her hand relax and knelt down beside me. "I think I'm having deja vu." I said weakly, she helped me up gently pulling my arm around her neck. "Come on let's get you cleaned up." Luna said supporting me. "Wait, where are we going?" I asked sounding even weaker. Damn, I am weak. "My house." Luna said pulling me to move, step by step to her house.

We arrived at Luna's house around noon. "Wait here I'll be right back." Luna said slowly letting me support my own weight. I noddded, she raced inside and less than a minute later I hear a voice. "Hey, look up." I heard a voice whisper, I looked up to see Luna crouched on the roof with her hand outstreched to me. I reluctantly took it and she pulled me on to the roof, it was slippery and hard to balance on. Holding Luna's hand we tried to walk to the window she climbed out of, I started to fall backwards but Luna pulled me through the window and closed it behind me. I noticed where I was but wasn't sure if I was right. "Where are we?" Luna turned to me while walking across the room. "'s my room." Luna said kind of sheepishly and she walked out the door closing it behind her. I noticed I landed on her bed when I came througth the window, I practically jumped up. I started muttering things to myself like 'I'm fine' 'I'm going to be fine' and 'I could always go back out the window' When Luna came back in. "You okay?" She asked looking truely concerned. "No no, I'm fine, perfectly fine." I said a bit flustered. Luna cleaned up my cuts and bruises, not without my protest of coarse. Luna ruffled my hair. "You didn't have to be such a baby." Luna said rolling her eyes. I stumbled backwards and sat down on the bed feeling dizzy, Luna sat down next to me worried and gave me a gentle hug, putting her chin on my head. "I'm sorry I couldn't get there any quicker, I'm sorry I let that guy beat you up and I'm sorry I left you alone." She whispered, it sounded like she was going to cry. She suddenly got up and walked in front of me and said. "I think you should stay here for the night, to make sure you have recovered. You take the bed I'll take the floor." She walked to the door and added " I'm not taking no for an answer." She finished walking out the door. I fell back on to her bed "Oh how do I get myself into these situations?" I said to myself. I knew there was no way out of it, Luna was stubborn that way. Luna came back in with a pillow and blanket and was wearing an over sized shirt. I dropped my gaze blushing furiously. she set up a bed on the floor and got under the covers. "Good night Lupus, sweet dreams" She said closing her eyes. "Yeah, sweet dreams." I said getting under the covers, I could smell Luna's scent, it made me relax. I closed my eyes and replayed the day over and over again remembering every little detail.

Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, things are happening. I hope you enjoy this story.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2.

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