Emotions showing.

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Author's Note: I've been thinking of this chapter when I was writing my other chapter. I'll try to switch the POVs but I've never done it before.

Darkus POV

The screams slowly died down but my muscles were still tense. Midnight went back into her deep sleep. Her night terrors made me understand why no one came here. I lay there holding Midnight against my chest, I learnt it was best to comfort her when she had night terrors but she never woke up. I have a few scratches from a few of the times she clawed me when having her night terrors, she says sorry and feels terrible every time she learns she has done something like that. I kind of pitied her but she was a fighter. I slowly let her go and I turned away hoping she was alright. I waited for another night terror but fell asleep.

"Midnight we are going to try and face your fears, now come on. Trust me." I said, looking Midnight in the eyes. "I don't like this but I trust you." Midnight said looking nervous. I took her hand and lead her to what would probably be one of her worst nightmares...church.

Midnight POV

Darkus lead me slowly towards something I thought I would never go near...church. "You can back out Midnight. We can take smaller steps." Darkus said to me. I looked at him pulling my sunglasses down to look him in the eyes. "I won't back down." I said giving him a cold glare. Darkus just shrugged and lead me inside the church. Everything was so bright and blinding, the man talking in the center of the room stopped and gave us an unpleasant look. "Even the most mislead youth such as yourselves can be shown the light." He called, before returning to his speech. We sat at the far back. "Gee how nice is he." I muttered under my breath. "He means well he just doesn't like the youth of our time." A voice said next to me, I looked over to see an old man possibly in his sixties smiling at me warmly. "Dear you seem like you don't want to be here." He said studying me. "What?" I mumbled uncomfortably. "You seem quite pretty and you should show your face." He said taking my sunglasses. I reeled backwards into Darkus closing my eyes tightly. "Dear don't worry I wont say anything." The man said, I felt my sunglasses go back on my face. "Let's leave, I will show you that you don't have to be afraid of me." The man said. "Your boyfriend can come too." The man added, my face reddened. "He's not my boyfriend, but okay." I said hastily, noticing I was still leaning on Darkus.

The man who called himself Frank lead us to his house. We slowly entered nervous of the fact he new our secret. "Mable, we have company." Frank called sweetly. "Well Nim will have someone to play with then." Said an old lady who must of been Mable. She was sitting in a recliner with a little 3-year-old girl in her lap. She must be Nim. The little girl ran up to us and looked up at Darkus and I with big blue eyes. "You can show my wife and granddaughter that you are different. We have no reason to tell." Frank said calmly. "Midnight we don-" "We can trust them." I interrupted Darkus. We let our tails loose, showed our ears and I took my sunglasses off. I transformed in front of the little girl waiting for her reaction. She just smiled and gave me a hug, wrapping her arms around my neck almost choking me. "Not so rough Nim." Mable said, she let go and i transformed back rubbing my throat. "It's fine but there's more." I said looking at Mable then letting my eyes flash with darkness. She looked kind of sympathetic not sad or scared. "Well that's all I can throw at you guys and you've shown no sign of telling so I guess I can trust you." I said. They seemed too peaceful to but I was still a bit nervous. "If Midnight trusts you that's good enough for me." Darkus said sitting on their couch lazily. He is a goofball. Nim started pulling on Darkus' beanie to get his attention. "You know Midnight if I told the others you were being open and friendly not a depressed loner they would have a heart attack." He said smugly, while play wrestling Nim. "Play nice with the girl." I said to Darkus thinking he was playing to rough. "Yeah, listen to your girlfriend." Nim giggled. Again with the girlfriend-boyfriend thing. "If Midnight was my girlfriend I wouldn't be alive." Darkus replied tickling Nim. I wish I could photograph this moment in time. "Enough, children." I said kindly. Darkus looked at me funny. "It's only Nim and me." Darkus said smiling. "Yeah, two children." I said gesturing to them both. I looked over at their grandfather clock, it was definitely time for us to leave. "We should be going now." I said, covering up the wolf me and Darkus did the same. We said our goodbyes and left for home.

We arrived at sunset and made our ways through the deathtrap I call home. We went to bed back-to-back. I had another nightmare.

A girl with black matted hair covering her face was leaning sitting against a wall with the words 'Die' written in blood. She screamed and cried, covered in blood, shaking uncontrollably. Then darkness consumed her and the last thing I hear is an ear piercing scream.

I open my eyes to notice Darkus was holding me against his chest and I think his chin was on my head. I felt safe and at peace I closed my eyes and went back to sleep with no nightmares.

Author's Note: Sorry it took so long I wasn't sure what to write for a while. I have nothing against religion, to be honest I beleive in God but I just don't go to church or anything like that. Give me your ideas for who the next chapter should be on and I'll take it from there.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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