To find or to be found.

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Author's Note: Thank you for reading this far, so let's get on with the chapter.


"Beth, whatcha up to?" I asked Beth, sitting behind her and putting my chin on her shoulder. Sandy did the same thing at the exact same time to Fennec. "Playing chess." They said in unison not even looking at us or trying to shrug us off. I looked at Sandy for any idea what to do next. He just shrugged and leaned on Fennec to see the game better and I did the same. It wasn't normal chess, the board had different levels and made no sense. Beth and Fennec sighed. "It's three dimensional chess if you must know." Sandy and I looked at each other even more confused. "I think we are really close to the town."  A voice said making Sandy and I fall forward, we turned our heads to see Blizzard who looked like he was trying not to laugh. "DON'T SNEAK UP ON US!" Sandy yelled. "And what's so funny?" I asked before I heard muffled voices. "GET OFF OF US!" Sandy and I realized we had squashed Beth and Fennec, we practically jumped up and started helping the girls up. They pulled their arms from our grasp and started dusting themselves off obviously angry. "Yeah, we know we were waiting to finish our chess match." They said glaring at Sandy and myself. "Hey, Sandy and I can try and find them." I said pulling Sandy and transforming before running ahead.

We slowed down to a walking pace and Sandy asked. "Why did you get us to go ahead?" I stepped in front of Sandy and put a paw up. "If we didn't Beth and Fennec would have killed us, literally." I said a bit over dramatically, Sandy was about to say something when he froze. I turned around to see four wolf people, two girls and two boys. How long have they been there? Sandy and I transformed and were about to say something when Beth and Fennec showed up with Blizzard trailing behind them. "Hi, I'm Fennec or my internet name SandFoxGirl." Fennec said calmly. "You're the one who's been contacting me?" The girl with silver hair asked pulling a sword out of nowhere. "We have been looking for others of our kind, but you guys have found others already." Beth said gesturing to Fennec, Sandy, Blizzard and myself. The girl with black hair turned her hands into giant black claws, they looked like they were going to kill us although the two boys had been shuffling around to see us. "I'm Lupus, this is Darkus, the one who has shadow claws is Midnight and the one who has the sword is Luna." The silver haired boy said. "I'm Blizzard, you've met Fennec, the other girl is Beth, this is Sandy and this is Ben." Blizzard said behind us putting his hands on our shoulders. "Blizzard wha-what di-did we s-say ab-bout SNEAKING UP ON US!" Sandy and I said in unison. "Dude, you should of seen your faces." Lupus said raising his hands and we hi-fived him. "I don't get it we don't get to fight and they just become friends like that." Luna said snapping her fingers, all the girls started talking when we heard a voice. "I see you all have been accuainted." The voice was calm and feminine, we all looked up to see a girl as white as snow who had white waist length hair, white wolf ears, a white wolf tail, yellow eyes, a neutral expression and was in a white fur hoodie, white shorts, white fur boots and had a white wolf head amulet around her neck. She jumped down from her tree branch and landed gracefully in the middle of all of us, we all just stared at her. What now? Who is she? Why is she here?

Author's Note: Cliff hanger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has been mentioned before and this has been foreshadowed go back to 'Watching things play out' to see what I mean.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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