The walls have eyes.

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Author's Note:I'M BACK FINALLY!!!! This chapter nearly killed me trying to think of it. Anyway sorry for taking so long and let's get this chapter started.

Totem POV

"GAME ON." The foxes said in unison. They were playing Mortal Kombat X with Fennec versing Sandy this time and Fennec was beating Sandy by a lot but I think Ben and Sandy had a plan. While Fennec and Sandy were shouldering each other on the couch almost standing up while doing so, Ben reaches over and steals Fennec's controller. "Hey!" Fennec shouted, trying to grab Sandy's controller. Beth ends up trying to get the controller back off of Ben but he tries to use his height to his advantage and Beth ends up wrapping his body up in bandages. "You're still not getting this controller." Ben said trying to hop away. "Fennec that's cheating trying to take my controller." Sandy laughed leaning over the arm of the couch trying to keep it away from Fennec who is stretching over Sandy just out of reach of the controller. "Guys play fair otherwise Beth and Fennec will throw a fit." Blizzard said who was almost right under my ice platform. The foxes stopped almost immediately and went back to playing fairly almost a bit ashamed of the way they acted. I decided to go back to my sketches, I was sketching the two packs in both human and animal form, but the title human form didn't sound that right considering they weren't human. After a while I decided to work on my aura sensing, I think they all have their own special abilities but they just haven't unlocked them yet, like their ultimate forms.

Blizzard POV

Things seemed to have settled down after the gaming incident, now Beth and Fennec were reading lying down on the couch with their feet on the boys' legs who were playing more video games. The boys sometime pushed the girls feet off but they just put their feet back on and it went in a cycle.

I decided to go outside after getting bored of the foxes annoying each other. It was nice that the backyard was linked with the forest it made this place seem more serene. "Are you getting cabin fever Blizzard?" A voice asked calmly. I turned to see Totem standing on the roof, a silhouette behind the setting sun. I smiled at the sight. "Wait I'm coming up." I called, preparing for a run up. "Do you need a hand?" Totem asked. "Well...It wouldn't be kind to refuse such an offer." I answered and an ice stair case appeared. I slowly make my way up the staircase and at the final step......I slipped. I felt a slight burning sensation in my hand it was Totem pulling me up. After pulling me up she made the staircase shattered and disappear. "Thank you Totem." I said rubbing my hands together. "You're welcome Blizzard." My hand was still partly burning from the coldness of Totem's skin, It can be as cold as dry ice or just very cold but I didn't mind. We sat down together on the roof looking at the sunset. " you really believe that we will find more of our kind?" I asked looking at her. "I have not led us astray so far and I'm sure fate has a few plans for all of us." Totem replied not even looking at me. "You seem different Totem. What clipped your wings?" "I'm fine." Totem replied. She got up and ran her fingers through my hair. "Good night Blizzard, Sweet dreams." Totem said sweetly before jumping down from the roof and going inside. Yeah sweet dreams to you to. "My white wolf."

Author's Note: I know it's been ages since I last updated and If you want to kill me get in line. I'm now absolutely stumped for what to do next so expect another long wait if you guys don't give me ideas. I learnt I'm one of those people who read over my own books and think to myself I want the book to be updated.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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