Watching the story play out.

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Author's Note: I thank you all for this far and my friends who find my spelling mistakes. Sorry if I have bad grammer, anyway.....ON WITH THE STORY!

Blizzard POV

"WE'RE LOST!" Beth and Fennec practically screamed. Ben and Sandy looked terrified, I think it was time for me to save their hides. I stepped in front of Ben and Sandy. "Hey, now before we start killing eachother where are we?" I asked everyone hoping it would distract them. "Well for all we now we could be in Mexico!" Beth and Fennec said trying to calm down. They sat down and put their heads in their hands. "We're sorry we snapped at you guys. Ben and Sandy we know you try your best we're just really tired." Beth and Fennec said in unison, looking up at Ben and Sandy with faces that were going to cry. I sighed."Maybe we should rest, we've been traveling one week straight." Beth and Fennec were already sleeping under a tree, Beth had her head resting on Ben's shoulder and Fennec had her head resting on Sandy's shoulder. They were all sleeping peacefully, I decided to sleep in the tree they were sleeping under.

I had the dream again, a girl as white as freshly fallen snow, the only feature I can make out are her glowing yellow eyes, her shape shows me her wolf ears and tail. She was behind a wall of ice, she puts her hand against the ice and I do the same, the ice burns to the touch and I try not to pull away because when I do her side gets consumed by red and I can't see then wake up, but I always eventually pull away.

I wake up with a fright gasping for breath, I look down to notice no one has woken up. "You said we would meet again when we find others before you left but how much is enough?" I mutter to myself, the girl in my dream I know her identity but she left and said she would come back when others of our kind are found. I haven't told anyone, she said the foxes would find me. I have been traveling with them for ages and feel like the boys and I are a pack but the girls not so much, she would be able to keep them under control, See you soon my white wolf.

When Ben and Sandy woke they suggested something odd. "We should keep walking and let Beth and Fennec rest." Ben started. "We could carry them so they can get a good amount of rest and they don't complain that it'll slow us down." Sandy finished, it was a good idea and would help in a lot of ways. I nodded. They smiled feeling they acomplished something good. Ben picked up Beth and Sandy picked up Fennec. They seemed to care about the girls alot and the girls cared about them, that much was obvious but I wonder if they new it themselves.

We walked for what felt like hours then Beth and Fennec woke up. "PUT US DOWN, NOW!" Beth and Fennec yelled, obviously not wanting to be handled like children. Ben and Sandy looked at eachother, nodded then dropped them. Beth and Fennec got up shakily and glared at Ben and Sandy. "How long have you guys been walking and carrying us?" They asked trying to size up to Ben and Sandy. "Listen shorties we've been going for hours." Ben and Sandy said, paling realizing their mistakes. Beth and Fennec quickly grabbed Ben and Sandy by their amulets, yanked their heads down and kneed them in their chins. "DON'T CALL US SHORT!" Beth and Fennec said setting up camp. "We don't need to rest but you guys do and we aren't carrying you." They said gesturing for us all to sit. We all sat together, Ben and Sandy went out like lights. They began shivering, Beth and Fennec covered their bodies in sand and plants keeping them warm. "You two aren't as cruel to them as you two let on." I said, Beth and Fennec looked up at me, I could see the stars reflecting in their eyes. "Yeah, but if you tell them we said that we will-" "I know I know, I won't I promise." They smiled and went to sleep, I turned into a wolf and curled up to sleep. I had the dream again, but still let go.

Author's Note:The reason for the title is Blizzard tries to just watch how things happen. I'm thinking about the next chapter but I'm not entirely sure.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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