A Day in Midnight's Life.

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Author's note: Thank you for reading this far in this chapter if you can't tell I'm going to show you a day of Midnight's life. I hope you like it and Midnight.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I check the time on my phone 7:00am. WHOSE CALLING ME AT SEVEN IN THE MORNING! I put my phone on speaker. "Whose calling me at seven in the morning and on a Saturday?" I ask groggily while rubbing my amber yellow eyes. "Well a good morning to you too." Wait I know that sarcastic voice. "Damnit Luna you are a lunatic, you of all people I thought you would sleep in longer than me." I got up off of my old warn out mattress and inch towards the window and peek through the curtain. "Well Midnight if you're not hungry I can have breakfast with someone else..." I let my eyes ajust to the light. "Wait where are you having breakfast with your mother?" I know she isn't the biggest fan of her mother but I still haven't met her and I think we both want to keep it that way. "HELL NO! Just at the only cafe we have in this stupid town!" She seemed a little edgey, maybe she had a fight with her mother. "Okay okay no need to yell meet me infront of school and we'll walk there together so you don't get there before me and eat everything, bye." "HEY WAI-" I hung up otherwise she would never have hung up. I think if I used my animal instincts I would have got there before her and she might question it. I put my hoodie back on from yesterday, I slept in my clothes because they're the only clothes I have. I put my sunglasses on and grabbed the book I was curently reading 'Is Darkness Truely Evil?'(ironic title compared to my powers) and jumped out the window. I know you're wondering why would you jump out the window if there's a perfectly good door? Well the house I live in is rotting away and since it's abandend and I have no money I can't afford any major injuries or repairs to the house.

I ran through the autumn forest hearing the crunch of the freshly fallen leaves under my feet, the cool morning breeze chilling me to the bone and the damp earthy smell made me feel free. I stopped by a stream to drink, I looked at myself and saw a black wolf with yellow eyes that stared into my soul. I shook my head and looked at my reflection again all I could see was a pale girl with long black hair in black pants, a black long sleeve shirt, a black hoodie with black sunglasses who had no shoes. I looked rediculous, pathetic and unnatural. I hid all my wolf features and ran out of the forest to school on a Saturday.

I noticed Luna was already there waiting for me. How did she get here before me? I used my natural speed and took short cuts and she still got hear before me, she probably took a few short cuts herself and she probably lives closer than I thought.

"MIDNIGHT, that was fast!" Luna shouted. She must of got here only recently. "I could say the same for you." I said while giving her a hug. "And anyway at least you didn't have to wait." "Yeah I guess you're right Mid." She answered flashing me a goofy looking smile. I felt a smile tug on my lips but stopped myself from smiling. I hated to smile, I REALY didn't like to smile. It felt like I had to force it most the time. I guess I shun practically all positive emotions, but I try to not have any emotions at all but that's impossible. " Earth to Midnight come on." Luna snapped my attention back to her. "Okay but you're buying." I said smuggley walking ahead of her. "Fine." I heard Luna say only just audible.

We reached the cafe and sat on some seats under a shady umbrella. Luna had a hot chocolate and I had a hot fudge sundae. "This is one of the most unhealthy breakfasts ever." I told Luna while prodding my sundae. "Well Mid if you don't want it-" I swipe my sundae away from Luna's grasp. "oh no you're not getting it." I said giving her a smug look. " oh all right." Luna looked glumly at her hot chocolate and took a sip. We sat in awkward silence for a while, in our own worlds. Well I was. I was wondering how and when I would die. "Hey Loon how are things going at home?" I asked actually hating the dead silence. "We're at eachothers throats." Luna answered hitting her head on the table. "o-kay.." I start to read my book. "Watcha readin?" Luna asked tilting her head while resting her chin on the table. "Something you really wouldn't like." "How would you know?" Ah, Luna would never read a book it's not like her. I hand her the book. "Fine, read the back and tell me if you would read it." Luna scans the blurb then hands it back. "Fine I wouldn't." Luna went back to drinking her hot chocolate and I continued to read my book. Hours past while we kept to ourselves and didn't speak. "Well Luna I guess I should be off." I left slowly, when I just entered the forest I swear I could hear Luna calling me and running after me. I just wanted to be alone so I ran for my secret gully. I kept imagining the shadows were doors to eachother and I began shadow jumping until I reached my secret gully.

Something strange happened I started to cry. I don't know why I cried or for how long I cried all I knew is I felt broken inside. I walked over to a huge oak tree lied down under it in wolf form and fell asleep to the peace and serenity of the forest.

Author's note: Midnight is emotionally broken and doesn't understand her emotions. Tell me what you want written about next.

See you next chapter, BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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