Beth controller of plants and bandages.

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Author's Note: Just a warning Beth and Fennec are bookworms, techies, nerds and just a bit random. Beth's hair is like Sheik's from legend of Zelda.

Heya I'm Beth the bat eared foxgirl who controls plants and bandages. I'm like the herbalist of the group, Fennec works with me, listens to music with me, plays games with me, reads with me and trains with me. Fennec and I are best friends, Sandy and Ben are best friends and make everyone laugh while Blizzard tries to keep them in line like a leader. Even though Fennec and myself take care of the sick and injured we are germaphobes (afraid of getting ill.)

Fennec and myself have been friends for as long as we can remember literally. There's a funny story how we met Sandy and Ben. Fennec and I found an oasis so we went to have a drink when we were tripped into the water, we climbed back out to find two foxboys standing with a vine in their hands. Fennec and I weren't that angery as much as suprised to see more of our kind and we all traveled to find more of our kind. blizzard was a stroke of luck, we found Blizzard sleeping bye a died out fire, to me he wasn't overall suprised but that's just me.

I have huge grey ears, coal black eyes, long silver hair in a long ponytail made of bandages, honeycomb goggles, silver tail. I wear a grey explorer's kind of button up shirt, grey shorts, grey glasses(that I made myself) no shoes and I wrap bandages around my forarms. I have a fox head amulet made of limestone that gives me my powers.

Fennec and I have a few quirks, we HATE being called short, if you do well... ask Ben and Sandy how it goes. We go sherlock on mysteries and we turn the volume up on our music incredibly high but can still hear what people say.

Oh Fennec, Sandy, Ben and myself can run a top speed of forty kilometres.(Sandy and Ben haven't learnt how to yet.) The boys are idiots but we love them. (IT'S A METAPHOR NOT LITERAL!)

Author's Note: Sorry for the short chapter. That's Beth the multi-talented bat eared foxgirl. Next chapter is Fennec's bio.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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