Fennec controller of sand.

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Author's Note: When her hair is described it's Hatsune Miku's hair with a side sweep fringe. When you learn what animals they are look them up to understand their description.

Hiya I'm Fennec the fennec foxgirl who controls sand with the power of my sandstone fox head amulet.

I'm a bit tan, I have long sand coloured piggy tails behind my ears with a side swept fringe, huge sand coloured ears, sand coloured tail and coal black eyes. I wear a tight long sleeve shirt sand coloured with gear designs, over my shirt I have an explorer vest orange-ish, tan leggings with gear designs,Sand coloured glasses(I made myself.), light brown shorts, orange neckerchief with gear designs, sachtuel filled with sand around my neck, gold cog goggles with red lens and no shoes.

I'm short but that's the fox genes, It's annoying Sandy and Ben are still taller then Beth and myself and Blizzard is taller than all of us.

I love to read, play video games(or board games), listen to music, build gadgets and make herbal remadies with Beth.

Once Beth and I hacked the Pentagon, Area 51 and we found the secret location of google. Funny thing google has better security than the Pentagon and Area 51 combined.

We all get along quite well, Beth's my best friend, Ben and Sandy just crack us up and Blizzard's a little bit quiet but is friendly and tries to keep Ben and Sandy out of trouble(not that it works.)

We are going to find others of our kind and with a lead we can't go wrong(I'm sure I didn't jinx it.) We have always been looking for more of us just to proove we weren't alone.

Sometimes we try to teach the boys how to use their powers but I feel like it would be easier to train a bunch of chimps, but we like a challenge.

Author's Note: SORRY for the short chapter still got a bit of writer's block but I will try to keep on writing more chapters. Tell me who you want to follow next chapter but no more bios....for now.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf signing off.

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