The wolf's out of the bag.

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Author's Note: Sorry if it seems rushed.

Midnight POV

I looked into Luna's yellow eyes, I was scared, scared of the truth the reality, I ran into the forest, I ran for home but I could hear Luna following me so I began to shadow jump as fast and as far as I could go. I shadow jumped onto my porch and met Darkus who looked worried. "What's go-"I covered his mouth and looked him right in the eyes. "Hide, my of us and I'm truly scared okay and if she hurts you I'll never forgive hide." Darkus just nodded and ran for the trees. I looked in the door of my home. It's a death trap but my death trap, I know every nook and cranny and Luna doesn't I'll be safe. I hope. I wonder what her power is. The sound of braking twigs snapped me back to reality, I ran through the door and with some fancy footwork missed all the rotting wood. Luna came through the door as a wolf as I was half way up the stairs, she transformed then a flash of light blinded me. I couldn't see her but I could smell and hear her, I heard the sound of breaking floorboards then nothing I couldn't hear her but I could smell her but it made no sense it told me she was hovering in mid-air. I slowly opened my eyes to see Luna standing on a yellow star?! She jumped down from her star and nearly landed on top of me, I jumped backwards and Luna broke the floorboards, I thought she was going to fall but out of nowhere a group of stars turned into a sword which she dug into the wall and hauled herself back up onto stable-ish floorboards. I saw my chance and called her sword's shadow towards me but since it was on an angle instead of a knight's sword it turned into a katana. We charged at each other swords ready, the clang of metal rang through the abandoned house, Luna over powered me and sent me reeling backwards. I dropped my katana going back to the sword as its shadow, I turned my hands into shadow claws two-times the size of my body preparing to fight. Luna reluctantly let her sword disappear and held a hand forward. "Truce?" Luna asked still keeping her hand outstretched, I reluctantly let my hands go back to normal and shook her hand. "Truce." I said before we heard two voices say. "Great, you guys made up." I could tell it was Darkus. "Finally, but it was entertaining to watch." A voice I didn't recognise chuckled, I turned to see a boy who looked like Luna.

 I learn that the boy's name was Lupus and Luna made any funny comment she could which annoyed Lupus even further. Luna said Darkus and I should visit her house and we said we would and they left.

Darkus and I went inside and found our bed and got under the covers our backs against each other and closed our eyes to fall asleep but just before we fell asleep Darkus squeezed my hand and I smiled to myself remembering all the things that now make sense.

Author's Note: Things are happening! I wonder what I'll do next chapter?

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

Our little secret society of wolf people.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora