What am I going to do with a girl who wants to die, but if she dies I'll die.

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Author's Note: I have pre made ships but I would love to hear yours and thanks for reading this far.

Darkus POV

Midnight and I have been meeting for a few weeks just talking to her trying to keep her from killing herself. It kills me that she hates herself because she's really sweet and she's adorable when she smiles. I try to scare her every time we meet in the gully, but she always foils my plans.

I walk slowly to the gully, I was at the edge entering the gully when a weight slammed down on my shoulders and upper back. With the weight we tumbled into the gully rolling for about a meter, when we stopped I was lying on my stomach. I lifted my head dazed to see blackness staring back at me, I sat bolt right up. It was Midnight. Her eyes turned back to yellow and gave me a sweet smile, we both started to laugh. "I've told you Darkus you'll never sneak up on me." Midnight said smiling and showing her fangs turning back to normal teeth. "Darkus, what are you staring at?" I noticed Midnight tilted her head and looked like a confused puppy. I remembered I was still staring so I looked for something to make the moment less awkward. "Hey, that cloud looks like a bunny." REALLY, THE CLOUD LOOKS LIKE A BUNNY! "That reminds me I'm hungry. I could get you something too if your hungry." Midnight said. "I guess but you have no mon- wait you didn't say buy." She gave me a sly smile. We covered all our wolf-ishness, my eyes weren't covered because they were normal-ish. "I'll try not to loss my sunglasses if you don't loss your beanie." Midnight said leaving the gully with me following close behind. My beanie covered my ears.

Midnight and I walked into town trying to not draw too much attention. We found our target a chip vendor, I talked to the guy while Midnight tried to grab some hot chips. Midnight was just about to leave with the chips when the vendor stopped her by grabbing her silver cross necklace. She still had it which made me happy but I had no time to think about it. I slammed myself against the guy, but the guy just shoved me to the ground. Midnight bit the guy with her fangs, she spat on the ground. "Bitter blood." Midnight said just before she then hit him in the face with the heel of her foot sending him sprawled on the ground. "I think we've over stayed our welcome." Midnight said pulling me back to the forest, to our gully.

Puffing and panting we sat in our gully exhausted. "That was pointless." I said blandly. "Not true my friend." Midnight said producing a bag of hot chips from behind her back grinning. "YOU SNEAK!" I exclaimed. "Well if you don't want some..." Midnight began moving a chip towards her mouth. "Hey no need to be nasty." I said eating a chip. "As long as you're my partner in crime I'll be fine." Midnight said smirking at me. Well at least she has a sense of humour.

We sat down against a tree after finishing the chips and I nodded off. When I woke Midnight was asleep with her head in my lap. I didn't move afraid of waking her. She seemed at peace, like the world ment nothing. I smiled knowing that no harm would come to us and I fell back to sleep.

Author's Note: Finally put up the next chapter. I'm already thinking of the next chapter.

See you next chapter BiancaWolf2 signing off.

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